Luke AU - Police Part 3

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"Mr. Saunders?" I asked, my thigh nervously bouncing up and down.

"Yeah, Pumpkin?" He looked at me and I smiled, grateful to have a genuinely nice guy as my lawyer.

"When are you calling me up?"

"Oh, last." He shrugged, "I want your testimony to be the last thing the jury hears before deliberation."

"Okay." I nodded, rubbing my arms.

"Listen, don't be nervous. I mean, sentencing won't be for a while, but I can't see Luke getting off with anything less than 30 years."

"I don't want him to go away for life." I whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life in that apartment, and it was horrible, no one deserves that."

"We can tell the judge that before sentencing if you want?"

"Okay." I nodded.

"Hey!" I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, and I spun around, seeing my boyfriend.

"Hi Kev." I smiled.

"They're talking to me today." He nodded.

"Mmhm." I nodded, "you nervous?"


"I would say, "don't be" but you should be." I mumbled.

"The judge looks ready, I'm gonna sit down." He whispered, and quickly kissed me. I pulled away, and sat by my lawyer only to see Luke staring at me, dumbfounded.

The court session started and I couldn't stop looking over at Luke, who was whispering with his lawyer, whilst glaring at me.

"The prosecution calls Kevin Alvarez to the stand." My lawyer said, and I looked behind me to see my boyfriend walk up to the stand. I sat patiently while he got sworn in, then nervously watched Mr. Saunders walk up. "Mr. Alvarez, can you confirm for me that you were involved in a romantic relationship with my client prior to her disappearance?"

"Yes, I can." He nodded.

"How long did that relationship last for?"

"About a year and a half, we were still together when she disappeared."

"Did you ever engage in sexual activities with my client prior to her disappearance?" Mr. Saunders asked, and I stared down at the table, embarrassed.


"Why did the two of you decide not to? After all you were together for a long period of time."

"Abigail said she wasn't ready. She said that she had been sexually assaulted in the past, and she was afraid of moving too quickly with anyone." I smiled a little at him, happy that he understood what led me to that decision.

"And you respected her position with sexual contact?"

"Of course." He smiled at me.

"Did Abigail show any signs that she was becoming more and more okay with sexual activities leading up to her disappearance?"

"No." Kevin shook his head.

"Based on this do you think that she would have been ready to willingly engage in sexual intercourse with a different man two months later?"

"No." He shook his head again.

"Objection." The defense lawyer said, "he's not a doctor, how would he know what she was or wasn't ready for?"

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