Abi/Kev - Decorating

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Abi here! If you recall, Hunter was premature, so this is going to be a short, lighthearted, cute chapter about Kevin and Abi decorating Hunters room if she had come on time... it'll probs be really short... sorry.

Abi's POV

"C'mon Love." Kevin lightly tugged on my arm, pulling me out of bed. "We have to get started, Hunties due in two months."

"I'm tired." I whined, "I just want to lie in bed and eat popcorn covered in chocolate sauce."

"Why did I think that getting my wife, the opposite of a foodie, pregnant, was a good idea?" He mumbled, trying to scoop me up with my swollen belly.

"What do you mean opposite of a foodie?" I asked, once I was situated in his arms.

"I mean you don't have the best pallet, and your pregnancy cravings reflect that."

"Okay." I sighed, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Now, do you want to paint? Or help me set up the crib?" He asked, setting me down.

"Paint." I mumbled.

"Atta girl." He smiled, handing me a roller and tray with white paint. I forced myself onto my feet, and climbed onto a step ladder. "I've already taped the edges, you just have to paint." He added.

"Okay, okay, I got it." I snapped.

"Aww, cute." He sighed.

"What?" I turned around, and he was sitting on the floor with my white Polaroid camera, taking a picture.

"You. You're cute." He smiled, putting the camera down, as it printed a photo. I giggled a bit and stuck my tongue out at him. "Love you." He sighed, crawling over to his phone, which was plugged in, sitting on the floor.

"Love you too." I smiled, then returned to painting. Jay Z popped on from his music and I smiled, being pulled back to my childhood with my parents.

A little while later, I had finished with one wall, and had climbed off the step ladder to admire my work, when the music switched again. I heard the intro to You Love Who You Love, and spun around glaring daggers at my husband, who was minding his own business, trying to read the instructions from IKEA.

"Kevin." I said, still glaring, "turn it off."

"No, I love this song." He smiled at me.

"Kevin." I repeated threateningly, as I heard myself start to sing on the track.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He asked, picking up his phone, and waving it around in the air.

"Kevie! Gimme!" I whined, jumping.

"No, you can't jump, you're pregnant, remember?" He taunted.

"Kev." I whined, again. "Why is it even on your phone?" I asked.

"Because it's my wife." He shrugged, kissing my forehead.

"Exactly, isn't that a little weird?"

"Is it on your phone?" He asked.

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