"Wanna fucking bet? My word is law. You'll do precisely what I goddamn tell you to do. Get the fuck out of her! Leave her alone! Now!" Chloe ordered in a commanding tone. The light in Vanessa's eyes swiftly faded, the steel-grey hue draining out of the irises like a receding tide. The eyes snapped shut as if someone had flicked a switch. Then they opened hesitantly, gradually becoming accustomed to the harsh white light of the hospital room. Two dark blue eyes finally managed to focus on the blue-haired girl who was now leaning over her.

"Chloe." breathed Vanessa quietly. Her eyes glistened with the onset of tears.

'Shitballs! It actually fucking worked! Hell fucking yeah! I really am awesome! Take that you fucker!' thought Chloe to herself.

"Oh Chloe. I'm so glad you're here. You don't know how much. You...you sent it away. You drove it out of me. It's finally gone. I haven't felt like this in years. I'm...free. I'm finally free of it. I don't know how to thank you. I want to hug you, to kiss you, but...I can't move."

Chloe's eyes now filled with tears of her own. "It's okay Vanessa. Relax. I can help you with that." Chloe cradled Vanessa's head with her hands and kissed her delicately on each eyelid. "Everything's gonna be okay. I promise."

"I know. My baby is the luckiest person in the whole world to have you. You have no idea how grateful I am. Please look after her, Chloe."

"I will. Until the day I die. I won't let anyone or anything hurt her."

"I know you won't. I just wish..." The tears flowed freely now. "I just wish I could be there. At your wedding. To see my grandchildren. Everything."

"Heyyyyy. You will be. The doctors said you're gonna be just fine."

"Thanks Chloe, but I know. You always have been such a terrible liar. That day when I first met you, in the diner, I asked if you'd given any gumballs to Max and you told me straight to my face that you hadn't. It was blatantly obvious that you were lying your tiny little ass off! Do you remember?" Vanessa said with a sweet smile.

Chloe met the smile with one of her own. "Like it was only yesterday."

"Don't ever change, Chloe. Even back then you two were just so perfect for each other. I knew at that moment that you and my baby would be together forever. I was more than a little jealous, I admit. But I was a fool to be, I realise that now. There's no one better for my baby than you. No one on the planet."

"There's no one better for me than Max, Vanessa. I idolise her utterly. I always have. I'll treat her like the delicate little flower that she is. She's my goddess. My soulmate. My Angel."

"And now I can tell that you're being totally truthful. I can see it in your eyes. I can feel it. The love you two have for each other is something truly wonderful and special."



"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? For what?"

"Everything. Everything I've ever said and done to you. I know you've been through sheer hell."

"Shhh. I'm not the only one that has. You have been too. So has Max. And it's not over yet for you two. You've still got a long way to go. But you'll get there. You and Max. My hell is finally over. I'm free. I'm finally at peace. And I owe it all to you."

"Vanessa, I...I..."

"It's not like you to be lost for words. Who would ever believe that I actually managed to render you speechless? That I got the infamous Chloe Price to shut up for more than just a few seconds?"

A warm and golden smile from her heart accompanied the words.



"It's time."

"Time? Time for what?"

"Time for me to leave. Time for me to go to your dad. Can you hold my hand as I go?" Chloe reached down and gently cradled Vanessa's fingers with her own.

"No. Vanessa, please no. Not now. Not after this. Please don't go. Don't leave us now. Max needs you. I need you. We both do."

"It's alright, Chloe. You and Max will be fine. My part in this is over. I've done what I needed to. I can't do any more. I can never recover from it being inside of me for all those years. It's been too long. But it was worth it. I would do it all again. For you and Max. This is what I want, Chloe. I've waited so long for this moment. And this isn't the end. It's just the beginning. Do you want me to tell him anything?"

"Just tell him...tell him that I love him and miss him so much."

"He already knows that, Chloe. But I'll tell him anyway."

"What...do you...what shall I say to Max?"

"Tell her that I'm so proud of her. That I love her. Tell her to be nice to her dad. He's been through hell and back as well. And tell her that I'll see her again one day. Somewhere far from here. Somewhere where no one can hurt us."

"I will. I'll tell her..."

The older woman's eyes began to turn cloudy as a cool grey mist settled over them like a gossamer blanket.

"Goodbye Chloe. Look after our Munchkin."

Vanessa Caulfield's eyes closed once more. Her chest rose, fell...and then lay perfectly still. Freedom at last. Chloe kissed the older woman's forehead tenderly. Then she whispered in a soft susurrus.

"I promise you with all my heart. I'll keep her safe. Bye...Mom."

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