Out of Her Shell

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Joyce raised the hatch and made her way to the far end of the diner carrying a fresh pot of coffee. A mug crashed onto the floor immediately in front of her.

"Oops! Sorry Joyce. My gigantic clumsy fingers again."

"Did you break another cup, James? I've a good mind not to give you another refill."

"I'll pay for the cup."

"Don't worry about it. There are far worse things in life to break than a bit of crockery – a storm in a coffee cup is no biggy. But you could always stick a little extra on your tip."

"That I'll do. Thanks Lola."

"Alice, could you grab another cup for Mr Vega here? Or maybe one of those plastic tumblers we give to the little ones? Thanks my dear. Here, I'll fill it for you. Now look after this one, you hear?"

"Affirmative commander." replied the trucker, performing a mock salute and grinning.

"It's about time you showed me the proper respect, Mr Vega." said Joyce, smiling back at him.

"Yes Ma'am."

Joyce moved over to a booth in the corner. "Hello there and welcome. Are you ready to order yet or do you need more time? Would you like some coffee?"

"No coffee for us, thanks. I think our little one already knows what she wants, but we're still looking."

Joyce placed the coffee pot down on an empty table nearby before bending down to talk to the small child sitting in the corner booth.

"Oh my! Well aren't you the just the prettiest little girl there ever was? What's your name sweetheart?"

The small girl dropped her gaze to the table and mumbled something inaudible.

"I'm sorry." said the girl's mother. "She's awfully shy I'm afraid."

"Well, we can't have that now, can we? You know, little munchkins who tell me their name get free candy, so do you want to try again but just a little louder, sweetpea?"

"'s Max. My name's Max."

"What a simply gorgeous name! My name's Joyce. What would you like for your munchies, little Max?"

"Some Skweekinax please. 'n' egg 'n' bakey."

"Coming right up, and I'll bring you your candy afterwards. Is that alright?"

Max nodded shyly, then raised her gaze to look at Joyce. "'nk you. 's my birthday today."

"How wonderful! How old are you?"

"'m three."

"Well well. Isn't that just delightful? I think we can also rustle up a tiny wee cake just for you as well. How does that sound?"


"Alright then little one. Now let's see if your mom and pop have decided what they would like."

"Just oatmeal for me please." said the girl's mother.

"Bigfoot bacon omelette for me. And a glass of milk for Max and two fresh orange juices please." added the father.

"Ryan! Your diet."

"It's Max's birthday. I'm celebrating. Relax."

"I'll just go get your order. It won't be long. Please make yourselves at home. It will be here in a flash, little Max." Joyce turned around and the door burst open suddenly.

"Mom! Look what Daddy got me! Do I look awesome?"

"Wow! Look at you my pirate princess! A sword and everything. Hi dear. Take a seat and I'll get to you soon. I have a VIP to take care of first – a very special birthday girl."

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