The Only Way

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Max didn't know what to say – Chloe's sudden outburst had thrown her. It bought home to Max just how much Chloe had changed during their time apart. 'Sure, she's always been forthright and the more daring of the two of us, but she never had explosive, volatile outbursts like this. Damn, why had life done this to her? Why did Rachel do that to her? The fucking bitch isn't even here any more and she's still wrecking Chloe's head. And mine too. Chloe's right – I should never have mentioned her. Rachel's gone. We can't let the ghost of her ruin what we have between us now. Yes indeed Chloe, what the hell is wrong with me? I want my sweet, lovely and kind girl back. Can I fix this? Can I fix Chloe? Can I bring her back? Or is she always going to be a little broken? If I can't do it, then I'm pretty sure no one else can. I'm her last chance – her only chance. And I will goddamn die trying to bring as much light and joy back into her world as I possibly can.'

She realised that she was just sitting there with her hands in her lap, nervously fidgeting and stroking one with the other, staring at them. She looked up at Chloe, and saw that she had bowed her head. A single golden tear caught the dying rays of the sun as it slowly rolled down Chloe's cheek. Max placed one hand on Chloe's thigh and with the other gently cupped her hand. She waited for a response from Chloe, hoping that it wouldn't be yet more anger, but Chloe merely continued to stare at nothing, vacant and far away. Max bought her lips up to the lonely tear and absorbed it with her lips, kissing Chloe delicately on the cheek before moving her mouth over to her ear. "I'm sorry Chloe. I caused this. I know I am a dork. But I'm your dork. Please, I never want you to be upset with me. I love you. I'd do anything for you...and that includes keeping my big stupid mouth shut. Please forgive me." she whispered softly.

Chloe was silent for a while, then murmured quietly. "I don't blame you Max. Not really. It's all her fault. I'll never be free of her. She's always going to come between us. We're never going to work together – she's a spectre that's going to haunt us forever. If you had any sense, you'd go back to Seattle. Get as far away from me as possible. I thought that we had a chance, that I could finally be happy, but I can't get her out of my head. She's pure evil, and she's never going to leave us alone. I'm sorry Max, but that's how it has to be. I'll just accept my fate, our fate, and do the only thing left I can do."

"Fuck that. No. No way. Don't say that. I won't lose you. Not now. Not again."

"Max, this is the only way."

"No it isn't. Now you shut the hell up and listen to me. After all I've been through to get back here to you, do you think I'm just going to walk away from you now? I don't care about her. I don't care about me. I only care about you. You are my number one priority. You are all that matters to me. You are my life. Don't you understand that yet? Whoever or whatever saved you when you jumped did so for a reason. When you saved me, you did so for a reason. That reason is us. We are destined to be together. You have to stop being so selfish – think about Joyce. What do you think would happen to her if anything were to happen to you? You wouldn't just be killing yourself. You would also be killing your mother. And you would be killing me as well. If you destroy yourself, then I will too. I need you by my side. The only thing that kept me going during all those years apart was the hope of seeing your beautiful face once again. To see your smile. To hear your laugh. To see that twinkle in your eyes. Don't you dare tell me that it's all been for nothing, that you're going to simply throw it all away because of what she did to you. Forget about her. Forget about what she did to you. She's gone. She isn't here. But I am. I came back for you. Dammit Chloe! I'm not her. I'm nothing like her. I love you so much that just looking at you makes me tingle all over. Do you have any idea of how just being with you makes me feel? I will never hurt you. You know that. I worship the very ground that you walk on. Doesn't that mean anything to you? Anything at all?"

"Of course it does. You finally came back to me, and have done nothing but show me your love. You've made me smile and laugh like I haven't done in years. Wherever I end up after this, all those moments between us were real, and they'll always be ours. But that craven witch is always in the back of my mind, scratching away at the inside of my brain, torturing me. Look at how I just tore you a new one when you mentioned her. Is that what you want for the rest of your life - me taking it out on you for what she did to me?"

"Yes. It is. I want you. And if that's part of the deal, then so be it. I know what she did to you. You shared that with no one, but you shared it with me. Why? Why did you do that?"

"You know why. Because you're the only person I can confide in. The only person who wouldn't judge me. The only person who I trust that much."

"Exactly! I am your soulmate. And you are mine. That is the only important thing. The only thing we have to do is love and be there for each other. I am going to keep my end of the bargain. Are you?"

"I'm trying to Max. But it isn't easy."

"You'll do more than try - you'll succeed. I believe in you. The Chloe Price that I know and love is no quitter – she never has been. And you're still in there. I can see the real you hiding behind that smokescreen you've conjured up. I can see right through it. And I can see that you're damaged. But you're still you. You are Chloe Elizabeth Price, and you're amazing. Please stop trying to shut me out. Open yourself up to me. Let me in. Let me inside of you. Let me love you."

"I'm...too frightened, Max. I know you'll never do anything bad to me, and I know I can trust you with my life, but I still feel scared half to death. I just can't shake it off. I'm sorry."

"Chloe, I'm scared too. As a matter of fact, I'm truly terrified. That's what I was trying to tell you before. So you see, we're both frightened. But I'm excited as well. I really want us to make love together. Tonight. I've been thinking about it a lot. If it were anyone else, I wouldn't be able to go through with it, not at all. But it's you. I know for a fact that you'll be gentle and considerate with me. I trust you totally. I offer you my virginity as a gift. Along with my heart, it is the most precious gift that I have to give to another, and I choose to give them both to you, you and you alone. I can't even imagine giving them to anyone else. You are the only person in the world who is worthy of them. They are tokens of how much faith, trust and belief I have in you. And of how much you can trust me. I am opening myself up to you – all of me. I feel so naked, exposed and vulnerable, but I know that you'll never abuse the freedom I am giving you. You can do the same with me. I will take nothing but the very best care of you. Please believe me."

"You really do believe in me, don't you? You make me sound like some sort of perfect goddess. I so am not."

Max turned Chloe's head with her hand and stared intently into her eyes. "But you are, Chloe. You are my goddess, and to me you are truly perfect. What else matters? Who cares about the opinion of anyone else? I don't care what anyone thinks of me – except you. So you should only care about what I think of you. I know you better than anyone does. I see what they don't see. I see you. Do you see me?"

"Yes Max. I do."

"What else do you need to see?"

"Absolutely nothing. Just you. Always you. Forever you. Eternally you."

"For eternity. That is the only way."

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