A Second Chance

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"Mom, what the hell am I? Why is all this happening to me? To us? All I want to do is live the rest of my life in peace with Max. I just want to be normal. I never asked for any of this. I'm frightened."

"Don't be. You are merely you. You always will be. But you actually are awesome, Chloe. Things may seem somewhat strange right now, but don't let it worry you. What's happening is perfectly natural. These things you have been bestowed with - they are gifts. You've been given them because you need to have them. I don't know much, Chloe, but I'm not afraid, and neither should you be."

"Gifts? What do you mean? And who gave them to me?"

"I simply don't know, Chloe. That is for you to discover – you and Max. There has always been something different about you, right from the very day you were born. You're special, and I don't mean merely to me. You have the potential to find out so much more than I will ever know about any of this. I believe you are destined to find out. And Max is destined to be by your side on your journey. So long as you two are together, nothing can hurt either of you. Trust in that. You will save her. And she will save you."

"This is intense. Why would we need to save each other? Why would I need to save her? From what? What's going to happen to her? I won't let anybody hurt her."

"Relax Chloe. It will all be fine. You have nothing to be afraid of. Together you are unstoppable. But never give up on her, Chloe. Never. Even if you think all is lost. United you two can weather any storm. You can emerge completely unscathed so long as you remain true to each other. Others may try to tear you apart – you must not let them. Believe in yourself. Believe in Max. Either both of you emerge from the tempest, or neither of you do. Save her at all costs. She is more important to you than anyone at all. More than your Dad. More than me. She is a part of you. Without Max, you are lost. Never forget that."

"Shitballs! But how will I know what to do? How do I save her?"

"Oh Chloe, you already have. Long ago. And Max has already saved you. But neither of you will remember. But both of you will in time, I'm sure."

"What? When?"

"Like I just said, you'll find out. There is only so much I can tell you. Anyway, forget about all of that for now - you've done a sterling job with the breakfast. You should go and wake your other half. She'll never forgive us if she misses out on her eggs and bacon."

"You're not wrong there – she'll probably eat us instead. And I guess all this X-Files crap is hard work on an empty stomach. Mom, don't tell Max about any of this shizzle – not yet. I don't want her to worry. And keep it quiet that I prepared breakfast – I want to surprise her with my new cooking ability. I think I just levelled-up."

"Of course I won't. But don't try and run before you can walk. By this time next week you'll be a culinary expert."

"Thanks Mom. You're the best."

"No I'm not. You are."

"If you say so. Back down soon."

As Chloe ascended the stairs she could hear an odd sound coming from the bathroom. "Max? I didn't hear you get up. What are you doing in there?" There was no answer. Chloe was suddenly anxious. She opened the bedroom door. Max was still curled up in a ball, now on Chloe's side of the bed. Chloe quietly closed the door again and moved to investigate the noise. She was relieved to see it was only a jay atop the shower screen. 'Oh no. That poor little bird has been trapped in here. It must have flown in through the window. Don't you crap on my towel, birdy.' She waved at the jay with her hand and it flew out to the handrail, before changing its mind and resting on the bookshelf. She ushered it again. "Fly. Be free." The bird made good the escape out of the open window. Chloe returned to the bedroom. She softly stroked the sleeping girl's hair. "Hey there, sleepy head. Wakey wakey eggs and bakey. Your nosh is ready." Max's eyes slowly flickered open, but only to a half-open, "walking dead" position.

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