In Her Mind

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"Yo yo Maxo. You're early. Dude you look soooo beautiful. Dresses really do suit you. Get your sexy little bony ass over here." Chloe gave Max a tender kiss and slipped her hands around her waist, relishing the sensation of the sheer linen gliding over the smaller girl's skin underneath.

"Thank you. I see you haven't bothered with a dress."

"I haven't changed yet, smartass. I have been a little busy."

"What are you going to wear?"

"Wait and see. I'm gonna go get ready right now. No peeking. Go on through to the lounge. Mom and David will entertain you until I come back down. See you soon sexy." Chloe skipped up the stairs and headed for the bathroom.

"And there she is! A lovely young woman. You look so pretty. Come on Max, give us a twirl. I want to take a picture."

Max slowly and self-consciously spun around whilst Joyce took a couple of shots. "Thanks Joyce. I'm so glad that you think I do – I was really worried that I wouldn't look nice enough for Chloe. I don't know much about fashion and stuff. Kate helped me out heaps – she really is a treasure."

"Max you look fabulous. You shouldn't worry so much."

"I know, but that's just how I am. I can't help myself. Thanks David."

"Max, Chloe would find you adorable even if you were dressed in nothing but threadbare rags. So, are you ready for this? Chloe has quite the night planned for you." said Joyce.

"Er...sure. I'm really looking forward to it."

"You don't sound that convincing. What's the matter? Did something happen at Blackwell today? You can tell us."

"No, today went fine. It's Never mind."

Joyce looked at David and covertly flicked her head in the direction of the garage.

"I just have to finish off a few things with the car. I shouldn't be long."

"Come and sit here with me, Max." said Joyce as she patted the couch next to her. "Do you think I don't know you after all these years? You're prancing about like you need to pee and I know that look on your face. Tell your auntie Joyce what's bothering you."

"I can't hide anything from you, can I?"

"No my little munchkin, you can't. Now what is it?"

"'t know whether I can talk with you about it Joyce."

"Why ever not?"

"'s and might happen..."

"Awwww. I think I understand. You're worried about taking things further than just kissing."

"Um...yeah. How did you know?"

"Max, like I said, I know you like you're my own daughter. I can see right through you. I haven't always been this old, you know. I was young once. And I have been in your position. Have you...will this be...I don't quite know how to put this."

"It's okay. I think I know what you mean. I haven't. Tonight will be my first time ever. Joyce, I never even kissed anyone until this week, not properly. Sorry - I can feel myself blushing."

"You should be very proud of yourself for waiting – a lot of people rush into things and then bitterly regret it for the rest of their lives. And there's no need to apologise. I can well imagine how much your mind must be all over the place. That's perfectly natural and to be expected."

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