Back to Blackwell

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Max awoke and made her way downstairs.

"Good afternoon Sleeping Beauty. We've already had our brekkie, but we saved you some."

"Good morning Max. You sure do like your snooze time." said Joyce.

"Hi Joyce. Yeah, keeping up with our Chloe is tiring work. And thank you Miss Sarcasm 2013. What would I do without you?"

"Lead a hella boring life. Next question."

"What are we doing today then, rebel without a cause? Knowing you as I do it's going to be some sort of 'Thelma and Louise' day."

"Nope. Well not for me at least. Me and Mom have lots to do before tonight, so you need to amuse yourself for the day. We're kicking you out on the street. But I'd prefer it if you stayed away from Blackwell until I can come with you."

"Awww. You're worried about me. But I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Yes she will, Chloe. David is going to keep both eyes on her. And those two people won't be a problem anyway. I can personally guarantee that."

"How can you be so sure Mom?"

"Just because. Take my word for it."

"If you say so. But if you get any problems ring me straightaway Maxo. I'll be right there."

"Oh my heroine. Should I swoon now or later?"

"Now who's being sarcastic?"

"What's good for the goose is good for the gander."

"We'll see. Anyway, scoff your breakfast and get the hell out of here. We are way behind schedule already."

"Charming I must say! I love you too!"

"Stop talking. Eat."

"Alright alright. I'm on it."

"You're still talking. If you keep us tied up for much longer nothing at all will happen tonight – there will be no date. It's entirely up to you."

"You are not backing out now, Chloe Price. I am going to hold you to your word. I'll eat this and make myself scarce. I'm going to miss you today."

"You can get through one day without me, I'm sure. Meet me here about seven-ish. Make sure you dress yourself up super pretty."

"Says her!"


As Max got off the bus at Blackwell she discovered that David was already there waiting for her.

"Hi Max."

"Hello Mr Madsen. Are you waiting for me?"

"Please. You can call me David. And yes, I was. I am under orders to 'look after our Munchkin or else'. Under pain of a fate worse than death. So please, after you young lady. Are you heading to your dorm?"

"Yes. I need to have a shower and stuff – they basically bum-rushed me out of the house."

"I've heard all about the big night tonight. I'm sure you're going to have an absolutely wonderful time." said David with a smile. "I'll walk with you if you don't mind. With the school still closed I don't really have that much to do today. Money for old rope. So I am at your service."

"Thanks Mr Mads...David."

"Hello Max. I was wondering when you were going to resurface. Are you okay?"

"Er. Hi. Warren, isn't it?"

"Awesome! You remembered my name! some messages for you. And I also borrowed you some of my movies on a flash drive. They'll be in your room."

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