A Different Game

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"Okay. Here it comes." Chloe slid the oyster through Max's lips and into her mouth. "You can open your eyes now. Well?"

Max's wrinkled her nose at first, but then her countenance gradually eased. After a while she gave the table a double thumbs-up.

"See. Told you. Glad you tried it now, aren't you?"

Max nodded. Her eyes were still closed, but now with something approaching bliss. Eventually she swallowed. "Thanks Chloe. That tasted awesome. Nice and salty. You're right – it really did taste of the sea. I want another."

"Take it easy tiger. Too many too fast will make you chuck up."

"Are you going to tell her or shall I?" Frank asked, directing his remark at the blue-haired girl.

"Tell me what? What did you spike it with? Chloe Price, I swear to..."

"Chill Maxo. We haven't done anything to it. It was a perfectly ordinary oyster - a perfectly ordinary live oyster."


"It was still alive when you ate it. It's still alive now. Admittedly, it won't be for very long."

"That's awful! So cruel and barbaric! The poor little thing."

"It's no more cruel than what they do to pigs so that you can have your bacon fix."

"I don't think I want another now."

"At least you know it was fresh. And it sure did taste good, right?"

"I guess, but it's still a horrible way to die."

"It's probably best that you don't think about it. Just enjoy the pleasures Mother Nature provides. And that is not a cue for you to make one of your crude remarks."

"Would I?"

"Yes, you definitely would."

"Hey, the table's free now. Fancy shooting some pool?" asked Frank.

"Sure dude."

"I've never played before."

"It's okay Max – you're not on your own. Neither have I." said Daisy.

"Don't fret. The rules are real simple, and we'll help you learn how to play. We'll double up. Team Pricefield versus Team...what's your surname, Daisy?"


"Cool. Ta. Team Pricefield versus Team Fitzbowers. I reckon we'll scrap calling shots, eh Frank?"

"Yeah. Rack 'em up then, Bulldog."

"Screw that, I'm breaking off."

"You always get first break."

"Yep. And tonight is no exception. And even though we're in teams, I'm still gonna kick your ass, Franky Boy."

"What's new? I can't beat you at this or shooting. I'm resigned to it now. I think I should start calling you Deadshot instead of Bulldog."

"Shooting? Like guns?" asked Max.

"Yeah. Frank and me like to de-stress by firing off the odd hundred or so rounds every now and again. Don't sweat – I don't kill things, except Frank's self-esteem. I'm not Stepd...David. We just hit the range down on Heming Way. Paper targets and shit."

"Wowser! I don't know how I feel about you and guns, Chloe. Sounds real dangerous."

"Quit worrying. I haven't shot myself yet, have I? I just have a knack for it. That and pool. Eagle Eye Price, that's me. Still can't get the hang of darts, though – I'm totally shit at that. Ra...right, here we go, Frank – prepare for a leathering."

"Nice break Bulldog. You want to take the first shot, Daisy?"

"No. It's alright. I think you should go first. I'm more than likely rubbish at it."

"Not like that's going to matter – Chloe's going to wipe the floor with us anyhow. But sure."

"Ha! Awesome miss!"

"Fuck y...sorry...I mean screw you Chloe."

"You wish. Alright Maxo, you're up." Chloe passed Max the cue.

"Erm, what do I do? Just hit a ball with the stick, right?"

"Sort of, yeah. Just try and hit one of the balls into a hole. Any one will do, except the black one with eight on it."

"That's it? I can pick any I like? Sounds simple enough. What happens if I pot the black one? Do we get a bonus or something? Are you saving that for your shot?"

"No. If you pot that now, we lose. Instantly."

"Ah. Best not to do that then. Right then...let's see..."

Chloe grinned and rolled her eyes. "Max, wait. You have to use the white ball and make it hit the other one. You can't just hit the ball you want to pot straight into the hole with the cue."

"Oh. That's going to make things a bit more difficult. Um. Shall I go for that one near the hole? The number three?"

"Yeah, sure. Go for it. Fire away, Maximus!"

"Am I standing right?"

"Nope. Not really. But you'll get the feel for it eventually."

"Probably, but you said you were going to help us. So come and show me how to do it."

Chloe stood behind Max and bent forward over her back. "Spread your legs further apart. You need to get a firm footing and balance yourself."

"Like this?"

"Yep. Perfect. Now bring your head down further, so that you're looking along the cu...stick. Cool. Now move your left arm...Max, stand still. You're trying to push away from the table. You need to be close to it. And stop wiggling your bony little ass about. Have you got ants in your pants? You're never going to pot anything jigging about like that. Max? Hello? Anyone home?"

"Chloe, I think the last thing on her mind right now is pool. Max wants to play a completely different game, I reckon." said Daisy, smirking.

"Max Caulfield! Will you get a grip of yourself? You are in a public bar!"

"I am a naughty girl, true, but I can't help myself. It's your fault. And it took you long enough to realise what I was up to. I had you there, Price." giggled Max.

"Dude, I think that oyster really did work on you. Jesus! Now concentrate on the game and try to get one into the hole."

"I was trying to, but you won't let me. Spoilsport, not letting me have my fun."

"I can see this being the longest game of pool in history."

"Okay. I promise to be good from now on. Here goes nothing." Max made the shot.

"Awesome Maxo! You're a natural!"

"Yep. I always take the shot. That was easy. Now if only you were that easy."

"Didn't you just say you were going to be good?"

"I sure did. I lied. What are you going to do about it, Price?"

"Dude, you are turning into quite the rock chick."

"It's the company I keep."

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