Friends in High Places

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Chloe was fully expecting a head-on confrontation waiting for her on the other side of the door, but she was totally unprepared for the scene that met her eyes when she entered the room. There was no Rachel. There was no Laura. They weren't here. But at least Vanessa was here...and so was Kate. The young girl was sitting in a chair next to the older woman's bed. Kate was holding Vanessa's left hand whilst she gently caressed her hair. She was humming ever-so-softly into Max's mother's ear. Vanessa's face looked incredibly relaxed and peaceful. The only other sound apart from Kate's soothing song was the quiet beeping of the medical devices inside the small room. Chloe didn't know what to say. Kate slowly turned her head to face the newcomer.

"Not quite who you were expecting to find in here, I would imagine." The words were spoken quietly, as if Vanessa were merely asleep and Kate was wary of waking her.

It took some time for Chloe to find her tongue. "What...where...what are you doing here? Where are they? Where are Rachel and Laura?"

"They are outside, Chloe. Neither of them entered this room. They never intended to. They merely wanted you to believe that they had."

"What? Why?"

"To see what you would do. To see whether you would try to save her. Now they know the answer to do I. Tell me Chloe, to what lengths would you go to to save Vanessa? What would you give up for her? What price would you pay for her salvation? What would you sacrifice to give her one final chance of redemption?"

"What sort of a fucking question is that? She's Max's mom. I'd do anything to save her. Anything."

"Anything? Are you completely sure about that?"

"Of course I am. I'd do it for Max."

"I see. I cannot honestly say that your response surprises me, but it is as I feared. Time will walk backwards before she finds redemption. This will cost you dearly, Chloe. And it will all be in vain. This can, and must, end only one way. We both know what has to happen here."

"What? No I don't. What the fuck are you talking about?"

"It's a tragically sad state of affairs, I know, but...Vanessa has to die, Chloe. I'm so sorry, but this is the only way. You can't save everyone, Chloe, no matter how much you may desire to do so."

"Bullshit! I can't save anyone! First my dad and now this? Why do I even bother trying? All that I can do, and none of it is any help at fucking all. I'm fucking useless."

"That is simply not true. Chloe, you have already saved Max...and you're going to have to do so again. Max has put all of her faith and trust in you, and you alone. Do not let her down."

"Let her down? Like how? By just doing nothing and allowing her mom to die? Fuck that! How is that not letting her down?"

"Because...Chloe, the price you will pay for saving Max's mother is...Max herself. The price is Max. I know this. Rachel knows this. Vanessa herself knows this. And now so do you. Are you prepared to pay that price? Will you sacrifice Max to save her mother?"

"Screw this! Shut the fuck up! What the fuck is all this crap? How the hell could you possibly know all this? In fact, what are you doing here anyway? How the hell did you even get in here?"

"How I got here is of no importance. As for how I know this - I know many things, Chloe. As do you. But you have forgotten much. Please trust me. I am here to help you."

"I'm sorry, but I trust no one. The only people I trust are Max and my mom..." Chloe suddenly realised that Max hadn't followed her into the room. She turned and tried to push open the door, but it was as if it had been nailed shut.

"You won't be able to open the door, Chloe, no matter how hard you try. I need to talk with you privately, and I knew that you'd try to leave. I'm not holding you prisoner, even if it may seem like it. I'm doing this to help you. We need to talk. Just you and I. Please don't worry about Max. She's perfectly safe...for now."

Chloe's head whipped back around to face the other girl. "What? Is that some sort of fucking threat? Are you working with that fucking bitch? If you've done anything to Max I'll fucking kill y..."

"Chloe, please relax. I would never hurt you or Max. But there are those that will. I am merely trying to help you. I am your friend. Please believe me."

"Bullshit! I don't know how in the hell you've managed to lock it, but open the fucking door! Right fucking now! I want Max."

"I see that there is only one way that I can earn your trust, to make you believe that what I say is true. I was hoping to avoid this."

"I swear to fuck I'll break the goddamn door do..."

"You first met Max in the Two Whales. It was the day of her third birthday. You both wore pirate outfits. On her tenth birthday you gave Max a doe necklace. She made a wish then. That wish was all about you – Max wished for your happiness. Your friend Frank calls you 'Bulldog'. The day Max left for Seattle, she drew a picture of you. You still have that drawing to this day, and it is your most treasured possession. Max adorned it with a blue bird's feather. You've never told anyone, not even Max, but you chose your hair dye to match the colour of that feather because it reminds you of Max. Your hair is your own personal, private symbol of your undying love for her."

"Oh my g..." Chloe words trailed off and she sought support from the wall behind her with her left arm before slumping back against the surface in shock.

Kate continued. "You ran away to Seattle to be with Max because you missed her so much and couldn't bear to be apart from her any longer. You went to her school, but you never spoke to her. You've had sex with two boys, and hated it both times. You do not know the name of the second boy. You love Max more than you do anyone. You would die for her. The day Max returned to you after all those years apart, you tried to kill yourself by jumping off the cliff near the lighthouse. You wish to save your father, but you cannot. You have been blessed by a butterfly. A beautiful blue butterfly. You can fly. You can travel through time. And you can do much, much more. Chloe, you are far more awesome than you think you are."


Kate rose and gently guided Chloe by the hand to the chair beside Vanessa. "Please sit down for a minute." Kate ran her hand through Chloe's blue tresses. "I'm sorry if this has come as a shock to you. But it's alright, Chloe. I am your friend. I am here to help you. You and Max."

"Wh...who...what...who are you?" Chloe asked falteringly, still finding it difficult to string her words together.

"I am a friend of your father, Chloe. A very good friend. He may not be here with you, Chloe, but he loves you dearly and watches over you. Both of you."

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