Just the Beginning

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"So did you two have fun last night?"

"Yeah. We met up with Frank and the new lady in his life. Max was her usual shy self, you know her, but then she chilled and came out of her shell a bit. We ended up having a great night. She was scared of Frank at first but she knows him better now."

"That's good. I can see how people get the wrong initial impression of him. So, he has a new girlfriend, does he?"

"Well, I don't think they're quite at that stage yet, but they seem to hit off each other really well. I reckon they could make a go of it."

"That would be nice, especially after Laura and all that business."

"Please Mom, could we not talk about that? I just want to forget."

"Sorry sweetheart. You're absolutely right. You should put all of that behind you. You've moved on now. You're finally right where you need and deserve to be – with the person you were always meant to be with. Nobody else matters."

"I know. This all still feels like a dream – the best dream ever. I can't believe it. I feel like I'm glowing all over. So much has happened so fast. But it's great. I've never been so happy."

"I can tell. You have no idea how joyous it makes me feel seeing you like this. I have wished for this for so long. Treat her like a goddess, Chloe. Never let her go. Nobody will ever love you as much as Max does. No one on Earth. I know it."

"Don't worry. I'll always be with her. Forever. Mom, when she smiles at me all my pain just falls away like dead leaves. It feels like there's just me and her in the world. It's magical and wonderful."

"I'm real glad to hear that. Speaking of the magical Munchkin, what's she doing? Is she still asleep?"

"Yep. Still snoring her adorable little head off. The late night must have taken it out of her."

"Bless her. I'll start on breakfast shortly."

"Thanks. Can I help you with it?"

"Of course you can. I can always use an extra pair of hands."

"Mom, can you teach me how to cook? Like, proper cooking, I mean. I want to know how to make your chocolate cake. Plus lots of other stuff."

"It would be my pleasure.. You can help me prepare dinner too. I'll do pumpkin pie and chocolate cake. Why not?"


"Why the sudden interest? You've not helped in the kitchen since...well...never mind."

"I, um, want to do Max something special. I'll need your help with some other things too. And one or two favours from David as well."

"I'm sure he will do anything for you. We'll sort everything out for you and Max. Chloe, David told me about your chat in the garage. That was very good of you. I'm so proud to call you my daughter. You're a beautiful person."

"Um. Mom, I've been simply awful to you. I've been just dreadful to you both. I was so wrapped up in my own mess that I forgot how hard everything must have been on you too. I'm not the only one that loves Dad. You do as well. You must be just as heart-broken as I am. And all I've done is get up in your face all of the time. The very last thing you needed was a selfish brat for a daughter. But that's exactly what I was. I'm really, really sorry Mom. You didn't deserve that. Neither did David. He's been through a lot too. I just made things worse for everyone. I've been a complete idiot."

"Oh Chloe. I don't blame you for a single thing. Not one. When you have children of your own you'll understand. I don't matter. Neither does David. You are the most important person in the world to me. You always have been. I just wanted you to be happy. I tried everything, but I knew I would never be able to do much to help you. That felt truly horrible. I just wanted to cuddle you and make it all go away. But I couldn't. I knew there was only one person left who could fix you. I just had to wait for them to come back to you. And now she has."

"What if she hadn't, Mom? I'm so lucky that she did. If she had never come back to me I'd have..."

"Lucky? Luck had nothing to do with it. From the day Max was first taken away I knew full well that she was going to come back at some point. For a certainty. You and Max are intimately connected in the deepest way possible. At the most fundamental level. No matter how far you two are apart, in some way you will always be together. Your Dad and I are similar. Surely you must be able to feel it?"

"Er...I think...when Max was in Seattle, I used to go to the clearing and it sorta felt like she was still there somehow. I can't really explain it. It was weird, but nice."

"Yes. I still go to the clearing too. I guess I can tell you this - I can feel your father there in the same sort of strange way."



"I think I can feel him there too. Really strongly. What the hell is happening?"

"Chloe, there are more things in this world than can be explained by science or anything else. I honestly believe that your Dad never left us, Chloe. He loved us both far too much for that. There is a lot more to our little town than meets the eye."

"What do you mean?"

"All in good time, my princess. All in good time. I suspect that one day you'll know far more about Arcadia Bay than I ever have. I wasn't born here, but you were my precious little butterfly."

"Erm. Why did you just call me that?"

"What? Butterfly?"


"Because they're beautiful, delicate and a sheer wonder to behold – just like you are. The Native Americans say that everyone has a spirit animal. If that's true, then I'm fairly sure that yours is the butterfly."

"Hmmm. I think you may be right."

"Why do you think that?"

"I dunno. Just a feeling. Max calls me her 'butterfly' too. Perhaps there is something to it. Or it may just be coincidence."

"I sincerely doubt that's a coincidence, Chloe. Max was born here as well. She can feel this place in her bones, just like you can."

"How on Earth do you know that? I actually do feel what you just described, and I can't explain it."

"Neither can I. I just know. You and Max have a unique, special bond to Arcadia Bay – a bond that can't be broken. Not by anyone or anything. Like the bond you have between each other. That's how I knew Max would return to Arcadia Bay. To you. No matter what, she simply couldn't stay away, just like you couldn't. She belongs here, as do you. Your fates are woven together intimately. You and Max are destined to be with each other. You can't be separated. You two are as one – yin and yang, two sides of a coin, the poles of a magnet, night and day. You can't have one without the other. 'The whole is greater than the sum of the parts'. I can't really tell you any more. As I said, you'll know more than me in the fullness of time. Just be patient, and I have no doubt that all of your questions will be answered."

"So we can never leave Arcadia Bay? Max and me have to stay here for the rest of our lives?"

"No. It doesn't work like that. You're not prisoners. Far from it. Think about it - both of you have already left once, haven't you? Max was torn away against her will, and you left to follow her. You were split down the middle - you were being ripped in half. You had the inexorable urge to be with Max, yet you also felt the overwhelming desire to stay here. It was tearing you apart. And Max too. I'll bet she could feel it as well. You could feel her pain, and she could feel yours. Things were out of balance. But just as water finds its own level, the balance restored itself. It always does - it's unstoppable. Both of you returned. Neither of you can fight it, even if you wished to. You can leave any time you wish, but the pair of you will always be irresistibly drawn back here. Arcadia Bay will always pull you back eventually. It's your home, in more ways than one. It needs you, and you need it. It's a sort of symbiosis."

"Holy shit Mom! You're right! I know it. Every single word that you just said. Sheesh, this is intense. What the f..."

"Chloe, there's no need to be afraid. Trust me. Everything will turn out fine in the end. But this is just the beginning."

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