I'm Sorry, But I've Made Up My Mind...

Start from the beginning

“Your fans hate me. It’s my fault my mother is dead. I’m just a distraction. I’m continuously getting death threats. I can’t ever be normal ever again. I can’t do it anymore, Austin. I can’t-” She looked like she was about to start crying, but she shut off the emotions immediately like usual. 

Austin wanted to say something to provide some sort of comfort to his daughter, but he had no idea what to tell her. 

“I...your mother’s death was not your fault.” He sighed. “You’re not a distraction. Who wants to be normal anyway? Being normal is bullshit.” He leaned into her, his head resting on her hand. “I can’t lose you too, Sienna.” 

They sat there in silence getting more and more uncomfortable by the second. 

“When I was in the ambulance, Vic was singing me a song.” Sienna muttered, her eyes looking to Austin’s. “He got to this part that just stuck with me. He said: Please, don’t take this out on  me, cause you’re the only thing that’s keeping me alive, and I don’t wanna wait for time set date and I would rather end it all tonight, and if I mean anything to you, I’m sorry, but I made up my mind.” 

Austin smiled and patted her hand. “It’s called Bulls In the Bronx.” 

“I like it.” She sighed, looking away. “I actually just wanna go sleep now.” 

“I think you have to stay here for two nights.” Austin said, swallowed hard. “After you make a suicide attempt you have to stay in the hospital for two days.” 

“That’s stupid.” she argued. He gave her a small smile. 

“Vic and Tino are outside waiting to see if you’re alright.” Austin said, standing up. She grinned sadly.

“You can send them in if you want.” she murmured. He smiled and leaned over, kissing her forehead. 

“I’ll see you later, okay, Si?” 

She nodded tiredly. “Yeah. Okay.” 




It was morning. She was still hooked up to the IV and she rubbed her head tiredly. Austin was sleeping in the chair next to her bed. The hospital offered him a room next door, but he refused, not wanting to leave her side. That was sweet of him. 

She yawned and leaned out to touch Austin’s hand. Austin jumped and snorted. 

“Oh, hey, Sienna,” he grunted, rubbing sleep from his eyes. She grinned at her father and cracked her knuckles. There was a slight knock on the door and a doctor walked in. 

“Hello, Sienna Francias. How are you feeling this morning?” asked the man. Sienna tried not to stick her tongue out at the man and she sighed. 

“I’m good.” 

“That’s good to hear. I wish you would have waited for us to take out that tube in your throat, but I guess we can’t do anything about that now.” he grinned toothily at her. She tried so hard not to roll her eyes. “Oh! And happy birthday, Sienna! It’s your what? Fifteenth birthday? Congratulations!” 

Austin stared at her, his eyebrows raised. 

“It’s your birthday?!” he gasped. Sienna felt sick. 

“When can I leave?” 

“Tomorrow.” the doctor said absentmindedly. 

“But I want to leave today.” she whined. “I’ll be good. I have people to look after me! And Austin’s in a band! He’s on tour right now. He can’t afford to be held back ‘cause of me.” 

“Well...” He sighed. “I think we could make an exception for you, seeing how your father is on tour...” He raised an eyebrow. “You have to promise to look after her.” 

Austin nodded quickly. Sienna laughed at how eager he was. The Doctor grinned. 

“Great. Thanks, doc!” Austin said happily. Sienna smiled and waved the man away. She turned her head to Austin and saw him bobbing up and down in his seat. He looked like he was just injected with a million shots of ecstacy. 

“What?” she laughed, shaking her head. 

“YOU SUCK! It’s your birthday today? OMG! Holy shit!” He giggled. He jumped up and started jumping around. “Aye! It’s your birthday! We have to have a PARTAY! EEP!” 

Sienna’s eyes widened and he snickered. 

“Happy birthday, Sienna.” 

“Thanks.” she smirked, amused. Austin squealed. 


Sienna gave him a death glare. “Austin...” she growled. He flashed her a grin and kissed her on the cheek. 



Austin Carlile Is My Father? (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now