"I was thinking after all of this we can go visit your family?" I sheepishly smiled.

I've been thinking about it for a long time. It has been so long since I have seen his family. Plus after this big tour Shawn is on he can see his family. He is always saying how much he misses them, and I would love to see them again. So might as well visit them.

"Of course!" He quickly wrapped his arms around me, and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Yo Shawn!" Tom approached us both. "It is time for rehearsals and meet and greets you ready?"

Shawn nodded his head, and gave me a quick kiss on my lips before getting up to grab his guitar.

He grabbed his acoustic guitar from Geoff, and walked to his mic stand. Slowly he strummed a couple strings before starting onto Something Big.

I got onto snap chat, and started recording me nodding my head to him singing in the background. I didn't caption it, and posted it onto my story.

Now people know I am with Shawn. Shadisyn is reunited!


"So baby be the life of the party!"

The whole crowd screamed probably knowing that was the end of the concert.

The whole time everyone was singing along to every song Shawn sang. It was so beautiful at one point. During Never Be Alone a whole bunch of people in the crowd held up heart with 'You will never be alone' on them. And after A Little Too Much the crowd willingly sang Happy Birthday to Shawn. I think they planned this all out so something.

It was cute when he sung Kid In Love he winked at me when he sang the chorus since he got some of the lyrics from one of my old text messages way back then. Geoff also brought a cake out for Shawn to blow the candles out after he sang Stitches.

He ran off stage, and came straight towards me. "Ew no you are sweaty!" I screamed as he gave me a big hug. I let my laughs out as he continued to hug me. He looked down at me in my eyes, and gave me a big smile.

"I love you," he whispered as he rubbed his thumb on my cheek, and gave me one more kiss.

"I love you too rock star."

The lights turned on in the venue as all the workers stayed behind a huge black wall put up made out of fabric.

Andrew quickly shooed Shawn off to upstairs to take a shower before getting on the bus. I don't blame Andrew for wanting him to take a shower. He stinks, and I wouldn't want a stinky Shawn on the same bus as me.

I grabbed my guitar in its case, and went up the stairs to the room Shawn's stuff was in. Silently I scrolled through Twitter while I waited for Shawn to get showered, and dressed. Minutes and minutes passed, and Shawn finally came into the room wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with his hair wet.

"You ready we are going to start heading towards Seattle?" Shawn asked grabbing his stuff, and putting his guitar case on his back.

I did the same action as him, and put my guitar case on my back as well. With my purse on my shoulder Shawn grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

We met John by the front door at the bottom of the stairs. It has been a while, but knowing his fans they are probably still outside waiting for him. I got a quick peek of outside, and saw lots of people waiting out front, and some venue security making a path for everyone.

"Don't let go of me," Shawn told me as John started walking towards the door. He opened it, and everyone outside erupted into screams and flashes started going off.

I did as Shawn said as we started making our way through the crowd. Lots of people were shouting out about me being with Shawn. I guess they didn't know I am here.

"I love you guys so much!" Shawn said as we reached the bus. John opened the door, and let me on then Shawn.

Once I got inside I noticed how nice the inside of his tour bus looked. It wasn't even as dirty as I thought it would be. Shawn grabbed my guitar and put it on a couch along with his, and grabbed my hand dragging me towards the bunk beds.

"You are sleeping with me tonight we are cuddling," he said sticking his lip out.

The screams got louder as the door opened letting Andrew and Jacquie Lee onto the bus.

"Wow it is crazy out there, and I am so tired I am going to bed," Jacquie laughed before climbing onto the top of the bunks.

"Good night," I chuckled. Andrew agreed with Jacquie, and got into his bunk. As for me I grabbed my pjs out of my small bag with all my little essentials.

I grabbed my tooth brush and pajamas, and Shawn followed behind me with his tooth brush. He closed the small bathroom door, and got our tooth brushes ready while I quickly changed into leggings and one of his t-shirts.

We both in sync brushed our teeth occasionally looking at each other, and trying not to laugh so we just smiled.

Honestly he is so cute. His beautiful brown hair settles perfectly on him, and his cute little scar on his face along with his adorable lazy eye. He hates his lazy eye, but honestly love it. Altogether I love him. Every little moment I spend with him makes my life beautiful day by day. Silently in my heart I thank god I found him.

We both silently turned off all the lights, and climbed into his cozy bunk. Of course my body fit perfectly into his chest as we snuggled. I put my phone brightness down, and took a picture of us on snap chat, and before adding it to my story I saved it onto my pictures.

I turned it off, and felt him kiss my head. Silently we laid there as the bus was moving on it's way to Washington for Taylor Swift's concert. I heard small snores escape Shawn's mouth knowing he fell asleep, but I couldn't fall asleep as easily.

He must be super tired from performing. Which I don't blame him since it is a lot of work.

I just laid in his arms for a while soaking all of this in. Instead of going to sleep I am going to stay up a couple more minutes.

I clicked my phone on, and read the clock 12:00am, so I gently moved Shawn trying to wake him up. It took a couple minutes, but he finally opened an eye.

"Happy eighteenth birthday baby," I whispered. He smiled, and closed his eyes.

"Thank you now go to bed," he quietly laughed.

With that I got comfortable again in his arms, and closed my eyes.

I am so lucky to have him, to be able to call him mine. I am just so damn lucky I got blessed with this beautiful human being that I love so much.

A/N: Early update my home dogs. That is all I have to say since I am tired.

Stay Beautiful

Peace xoxo

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