October 11th

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"Jack?" I asked carefully.

"Yes?" he responded in his usual calm tone.

"I-I-I though you were... dead?" I asked while tears poured through my eyes.

"I'm actually undead," he clarified.

"What does that mean?" I asked curiously, my tears momentarily halting.

"It means that I'm a ghost."

I fainted.


"Jack?" I murmured. I blinked open my eyes. I was in my room on my bed. The windows were open, showing the noon sun. My mom was sitting on the edge of my bed.

"He's gone, honey. Please tell me what happened," she commanded softly.

I can't tell her I saw a ghost. She'll emmit me to a mental institution. "I had a dizzy spell," I lied.

"You've been out a while, missed school," replied my mom.

"Oh," I answered.

"Would you like anything?" she asked.

"Soup," I answered, just to make her leave. Maybe ghost Jack will return. If he even exists.

"Okay, baby," she replied then left.

"Jack?" I whispered, feeling ridiculous at talking to air.

But he appeared.

Out of thin air.

"Oh Jack!" I gushed.

"SHUSH!" he said in a loud whisper.

"Sorry..." I paused and looked at his white, misty face. "I missed you so much," I said. "But why'd you die?" is it impolite to ask a dead person how they died?

"Don't know. I think I was poisined, though," he said.

"By who!?" I exclaimed, leaning forward more.

"I don't think you want to know," he said.

"Tell me!" I whined.

"Well, I'd do anything for you I guess. It was... Well, you see... It was..."

I heard my mother's feet heading up the stairs.

"Jack, go. I love you," I said. He ghosted towards me and we locked lips. At least I can't stick my hand through him... That wouldn't of made kissing easy.

"Bye," he murmured as he broke free and and disappeared.

"Here's your ABC soup," chimed my mother as she entered my room.

"Yummy," I replied, mock happiness plastered to my face.

Death Doesn't Due Us Part (Haunted)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن