He catches you sending nudes to your boyfriend

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Louis:(age:16): you where in your room texting your boyfriend he sent you a picture of himself naked and it said "my parents aren't home come over😏." You took off your clothes and was about to take a picture when Louis walked in he said "YN!!!" You covered yourself and quickly put your clothes on Louis said "your grounded for a week that means no phone!!!" He took your phone for a week.

Liam:(age:17): you were home alone or so you thought your boyfriend sent you a snapchat of himself shirtless and the caption said "I know you want this😏." You took off your shirt and bra and was about to take a picture when Liam walked in and said YN YMN PAYNE!!!!" You quickly put your bra and shirt back on he came over and took your phone and said "your not getting this phone back for a month!!!!" He wasn't happy and you learned not to do that again.

Niall:(age:15): you were going to take a shirtless picture to send to your boyfriend but then Niall walked in and saw and said "NO PHONE FOR 2 MONTHS!!!!" He took your phone and you never tried to do that again you learned your lesson.

Harry:(age:16): your boyfriend sent you a picture of himself naked you were going to send one back but then Harry walked into the living room you got dress and he said "your grounded until I unground you!!!!" You got your phone taken away from you for 3 whole months then he finally gave it back too you.

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