Chapter 43 A bug?

Start from the beginning

I went back upstairs to my room, and sat on my bed looking at the wall in front of me blankly. It I am sick I will cry because I hate being sick especially if it is the stomach flu.

Wait I have to call Shawn. I dialed his number, and put it on speaker so I could lay down without holding my phone.

"Hi princess I have like five minutes before we get to the radio station then I have to go. Did you get my note?" He asked.

"Yes and I loved it. I just hate how we didn't get enough time. I feel like this week went by way too quickly."

"So how has your morning been?" He asked.

"Well I think I am getting sick or something. I have this terrible stomach ache. It almost feels like cramps, but then it doesn't. I don't know it just hurts really bad. I took some medicine, but it hasn't kicked in yet."

"Well drink lots of water and get tons of sleep, and you start to feel better."

I smiled at is responds. He knows just what to help me get better.

"I have to go, but I love you."

"Love you too Shawn."

I hung up, and placed my phone on the edge of my bed, and rolled around on my bed. My positions started getting uncomfortable. If I am going to be sick then I might as well be sick in bed watching reruns of charmed.

I changed the channel to WE tv, and the Charmed series was on a marathon. Shawn is right I should be getting some sleep. Maybe that is why I don't feel good since I barely got any sleep last night.

I turned on my fan by my bed that blows cold air on me, and laid back down. It took me a while but I finally got comfortable in a position with one leg out from under my blankets.


I woke up sweating, and with the worst pain in my stomach. I sat up quickly with sweat dripping down from my head. I knew what was coming next. I ran to my bathroom as quickly as I could, and fell to my knees in front of the toilet.

Everything in my stomach came out. My hair was pulled up thankfully to whoever was behind me.

I tried to breath, but it was hard from all the energy that was just taken from my body.

"Its okay Mads we are here," Anna cooed while rubbing my back.

It hurt so badly. Small tears escaped my eyes as small sobs escaped my mouth. More came up forcing me to stay over the toilet.

Once I felt like I was finished I flushed it, and fell to my bottom and leaned against the wall with my knees to my chest while sobs escaped my mouth.

"What is wrong Maddie?" Cam asked getting a wash cloth wet.

I couldn't talk because I was crying quietly.

"We cant help unless you tell us what is hurting. Please talk to us babes," Anna said sitting down next to me.

Cameron sat down next to her, and gently patted the cold wet wash cloth my forehead. It felt so good to have something cold pressed to my scorching hot skin.

"She is burning up," Cameron said to Anna.

"Please tell us what hurts," they begged.

I got my breathing regular again, and the sobs stopped. My stomach was still killing me, I was feeling so hot but cold, I barely had an energy, and I didn't want to move. I know I need to tell them what is wrong since they can help.

"It just hurt so badly," I whined wrapping my arms around my stomach. "I woke up with a small tummy ache. I decided I needed a little more sleep, so I fell back asleep. Next thing I know I was running to the bathroom felling so much pain."

"Did you feel like this before you and Shawn went back into the house?" Cam asked.

I nodded my head 'no.'

Out of all the stomach flus I have had none of them have caused me so much pain, and I have only felt sick for a couple hours. All the other ones were mild pain, but this one feels like knifes are stabbing in my side. What can possibly be wrong with me?

A/N: Another update. I am pretty proud of myself. Okay I am going to try and update tomorrow again. My goal is to update everyday of spring break, so hopefully I can do that. This chapter is a lot shorter than yesterdays, but yesterdays was only that long because I felt like I haven't updated in so long.

Alright Good night/evening/morning


Peace XOXO

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