Per Ardua ad Astra

Start from the beginning

"Of course you may." Max got up from the bench and the two girls held each other's waists as they slowly twirled together in time to the soothing music. "But since when did you learn how to dance, Twinkletoes?"

"I didn't. I might stand on your feet a little. But you'll forgive me, right?"

"I suppose so. And this is one of my favourite songs. How did you know I liked Mogwai?"

" a little research when I went to your dorm that day. I hope you don't mind. I just wanted to see what my Maximus was into these days. I also helped myself to a couple of coconut bites whilst I was mooching about. What's yours is mine, right? At least we like the same sort of music – this song is right up near the top of my list too."

"Cool. I bet you sneaked a peek at my journal."

"No I certainly did not! I may be a douchebag, but I do have some standards. I would never do that to you."

"Chill out Chloe. I don't mind. Not at all. No secrets, remember? And don't call yourself that word. I know you're not anything like that...and so do you. If you want to read my diary, you can. But I should warn you - it's really boring. I doubt you'd get past the first page before yawning and doing something more 'Chloe'."

"Thanks, but I don't really want to...well, not yet anyway. And I suspect that the entries for the past week are anything but dull." said Chloe with a smirk and a wink.

"Hmm, yeah. I hope it never falls into the wrong hands. We should keep it our BFF secret."

"I don't think we can class ourselves as best friends forever any more, do you?"

"Yes. Sure we can. You're my girlfriend and my best friend – you are my soulmate. You are everything to me. My world begins and ends with you. It always has. Now we're friends squared."

"Dude, I can't believe how far we've gone in such a short time. It feels hella good, but still a little scary."

"More than a little, but we're long overdue and way behind schedule. I believe the expression is 'Where have you been all my life?'"

"I've never been far away Max. In a way, I've always been with you."

"I know. Me too."



"Do you want to call it a night?"

"What do you mean? Like...go home? But I thought we were going to..."

"What I mean is...are you ready? Do you...want to go to bed with me?"

"You mean...?"


"Yes Chloe, I do. Let's go before I get any more nervous and change my mind."

"I'm nervous as well Maxo, if that makes you feel any better. Just give me a minute." Chloe replaced the music player in the hut, threw a bucket of dirt onto the campfire and locked the door before returning to her girlfriend. "Okay Maxo, hold on tight to me." They took off and arced over the bay before heading back to shore. Once they reached the clearing Chloe greeted Elanor. "Hello again. Can you take care of Max so that I can lose my wings and stuff?" Chloe placed herself in the centre of the glade and stretched her arms out wide. The wings quietly exploded into a myriad of butterflies before dispersing and fluttering away into the moonlit night. Max was still entranced by the ritual and looked on in wonder. Chloe climbed up into the treehouse and could be heard rummaging about inside. Before long her head reappeared and she extended her left arm downwards. "Okay Max. Up you come my Angel."

Max held the outstretched hand and Chloe helped her climb the trunk. "Wow Chloe! This is just sooooo beautiful." Inside the treehouse an old fashioned oil lamp flickered away in the corner. At the centre was a makeshift bed of pure white silk sheets and a blue duvet. The whole interior was garlanded with scented blue rose petals. "It's nowhere near as beautiful as you are. After you Angel." Chloe gestured towards the bed. Max hesitantly slid underneath the covers and waited for Chloe to join her. "You are allowed to take off your dress now, you know." said Chloe as she slipped off her own dress and got into the bed beside Max.

"Er...okay. Max slowly removed her own dress and placed it next to the bed, ensuring that she remained covered by the bedding as much as possible. She turned to face Chloe who placed her arm on Max's bare back and pulled her closer. "Are you still okay Max?"

"Yeah. This is just so intense. I can't believe this is finally going to happen."

"I know. Me too. Seriously hardcore, huh? But don't stress – this will be amazing. I'll take good care of you. You know that. Are you absolutely sure you're ready for this Max?"

"I am. Definitely. Are you?"

"Hell yes! And that's putting it mildly. I want you soooo badly."

"So we're both decided then. What are you waiting for?"

"Alright. Here goes." Chloe gently rolled the smaller girl onto her back and lay on top of her, holding herself up with her arms. Max's breathing became rapid and shallow. The two girls stared intently into each other's eyes. Chloe moved her head down so that she could whisper into her girlfriend's ear. "This is it Max. This is your last and final chance to back out. There's no going back after this. Are you totally sure that you want to give yourself to me?"


"Yes Max?"

"I'm yours. Take me to the stars. Make love to me."

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