"Yeah it so is. I've been working myself up into a terrible state all day."

"Is everything going too fast for you?"

"Maybe...but I think delaying will make me even more messed up. That's exactly what I mean – I can't make my mind up whether I want to do anything tonight or not. I really, really want to...but I'm petrified. I may mess everything up...I don't know whether I'll be good enough for Chloe...and then I worry about...Rachel...you know...it's so weird talking to you about this..."

"Not at all. Who else are you going to talk to about it? Your mom? Chloe? David? Right now, I'm all that you have Max – and I'm here for you. Always. You know that."

"I guess."

"Do you really need to guess?"

"No I don't. You've always been the best, Joyce. I sometimes wish you were my real mom."

"Why thank you Max. That is one of the most wonderful things anyone has ever said to me. Just so you know I would be immensely proud to call you my daughter. Max, I think I know the answer to this already, but is Chloe the person you want to spend the rest of your life with?"

"What do you think Joyce? Of course I do. I want to grow old with her. Just being apart today has been agonising for me. I want to be with her all the time. Every single second of every day."

"How does it make you feel when she looks at you? When she's close to you?"

"I...tingle. It's kind of like glowing all over. And sorta giddy too, like my head's gonna explode or I'm gonna faint or something. Butterflies in my stomach and everything. I've never felt anything like this before – not ever. It's super great, but mega-overwhelming at the same time. I can't concentrate on anything."

"No doubt about it – that is true love alright. Max, can I ask you a couple more questions? Do you think it's just you that feels this way? Don't you think Chloe is nervous too?"

"Not really. She seems so casual about everything. I know that 'Punk Chloe' is just a façade to cover up the real Chloe, but this isn't all new to her like it is to me."

"Oh Max. Chloe is just as anxious as you are. A maelstrom is raging in her mind. Surely you must realise how much you mean to her – how badly she wants to be that person that you admire. I've been with her most of the day and I've already had a very similar conversation to this one just this morning. So you see, you're worrying about nothing – you'll both help each other to relax. This is strictly between us, of course."


"'Wowser'? Really? Max, I'm not telling you anything you didn't know already. Deep down you must know how Chloe really feels. You know her just as well as I do. Don't you? Just take a moment to really think about it and you'll know that I'm right...oh my lord in heaven."

"What? Haven't you ever seen anyone in a dress before?" asked Chloe, trying to appear as butch as possible and failing miserably.

"Chloe you look so pretty! David! Get in here. You simply have to see this." said Joyce with tears of happiness in her eyes.

"Jeez Mom! Why don't you call over the neighbours as well? Maybe they'd like a peek too?"

"I don't believe it. Chloe you look fabulous." said David.

"Yeah yeah. All this mushy 'proud parent' crap is making me feel like vomiting. Someone fetch me a bucket." said Chloe, grinning.

"Don't move. I want a photo of you."

"Sheesh. Really Mom?"

"Yes. Really Chloe. Put your legs closer together and relax your shoulders – you're standing like a man."

"Okay okay. Super-girly pose coming right up." said Chloe as she rolled her eyes.

"That's much better. You actually look like a real woman for once. There."

"I totally forbid you to show that photograph to anyone. Well Max?"

"Uh...what?" uttered Max as she stared in total amazement, nearly lost for words.

"What do you mean 'what?'? Who else would I dress up like this for except you? Do I look pretty enough for you, dork? I sure hope so – it took ages to find a dress that matches my hair. And I definitely ain't gonna tell you how much it cost."

"Chloe you look...stunning."

"So do you. You brush up real nice, Maxo. Now then, I just have to grab my beanie and we're all set."

"Put that thing on your head, Price, and I'm not so much as stepping out of that door with you."

"Fine. You're just saying that 'cos you want to wear it yourself. I'll just go get it for you."


"I know. Shut the fluff up, right?"


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