"I'm just gonna shut up now." Frank pulled his phone from his back pocket and fiddled with it. "I swear they design these fucking things just for brats and their tiny fingers! Yeah, anyway, I have to shoot. Gotta see a man about a dog. Laters ladies."

"Take care dude."

"See ya."

"So, are we gonna do this or what? I'm itching to get my finger on the trigger."

"I'm itching to get my finger on something else. You. In there. Now." said Rachel, gesturing toward the junkyard hut.

"Mmmmm. I like it when you get bossy." trilled Chloe as Rachel took her by the hand and led her into their sanctuary.


"What's this about? I'm just sticking to pot. Like I said last time. I don't deal in the hard stuff. That's not my thing. You know that."

"That's not what this is about. Frank, I have a proposition for you. I understand you're a man who knows how to get things."

"I ain't working for the cops. That wasn't part of our deal. That's going too far. No fucking way!"

"Frank, listen to me. I'm not here as a cop. I'm not in uniform. I'm off duty. This is a private matter, just between us."

"Okay, fine. But I'm not agreeing to anything – not until I know the score."

"That's perfectly reasonable. Meet me at the lighthouse tonight at midnight – alone. We'll be there waiting for you."


"A few of my...associates will be there as well. But there's absolutely nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about? Really? You'll have me in a remote spot in the middle of the night. And you'll be gang-handed? I wasn't born yesterday. Go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut!"

"Look Frank, you know me. You know I'm not an evil man. I'm fair and honest. I'm not trying to deceive you in any way. This isn't about me. It isn't about you. It's about our home. It's about Arcadia Bay. This is your town. You were born here. You are a child of Arcadia Bay. We look after our own here - and you're one of us. There is only one condition about tonight, though – whatever you decide, the meeting didn't happen. You were never there. Understand?"

Frank pondered for a while. "Sure. Deal. But I ain't committing myself to anything - if I don't like what I hear, I can just walk away, right? No strings?"

"Of course. I am a man of my word. I promise you no harm will come to you." said Anderson Berry. "I hope to see you later Frank."


"Here you go Angel. Shall I park up and meet you at your room?"

"I'd love to, but I'm bushed. And I have an assignment I need to finish before the morning."

"Since when did you start handing in assignments?"

"I do one every now and again just to keep 'em off my back. I'll call you tomorrow. Bye."

"Hey! No goodbye kiss?"

"If you insist."

"That's better. I love you Rach."

"Cool. I really need the bathroom. Gotta run."

Chloe watched as her girlfriend ran off towards the female dorm. ''Cool'? I just told you that I loved you and all I get is a 'cool'? That's it? What the fuck? Thanks a lot Rach...relax Chloe, she just needed to piss. Yeah, that'll be all it was. I'm worrying about nothing.'



"Who is it?"

"Rachel, who do you think?"

"One sec."

"What do you want?"

"Er, I'd rather not do this out here. Can I come in?"


Rachel dived onto Laura's bed and started idly flicking through her magazines. "So, are you feeling any better now?"

"Not really. Frank's an insensitive asshole. I'm beginning to think that I could do so much better than him."

"You're not wrong there. Perhaps you do need someone different...like me, for example."

"What? You? What the fuck are you talking about? Are you high?"

"Spare me the bullshit. I've seen the way you've been checking me out when you think no one is looking. Go on, look me in the eye and tell me you're not even a little curious."

Laura stared at her fingers and fidgeted with them nervously.

"I fucking knew it! Well, what are you waiting for? I'm right here. On your bed. Take me."

"But you and Chloe? I thought you were..."

"In love? Pffft! Chloe might be in love with me, but it's not mutual, I assure you. She's nothing to me – a toy. A mere play-thing. And frankly, I'm getting a little bored with her. I think it's time for something new – a new toy. Something like you."

"You're using her?"

"Yeah, sure. Why the fuck not?"

"How do I know you're not going to do exactly the same thing to me?"

"You don't. Exciting, isn't it? Now are you going to fuck me or not? I don't have all day. I do have other places to go and other people to do, you know."

"Fuck it. What the hell. Just...don't let Frank know, okay?" said Laura as she locked the door.

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