Chapter 35 Secrets Are Told

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"Why are you angry?" I asked.

"I'm not angry!" He shouted. "I'm not angry," he whispered. He probably noticed how he was shouting and changed his tone. "I am just upset and disappointed."


"Because you never told me about you and Shawn. You are one of my best friends and I am one of yours, yet you have been keeping this from me for over two weeks? I thought we tell each other everything?"

"We do-" he cut me off.

"Bull shit! It doesn't look like it to me!" He ran into his house leaving me standing alone in the rain.

I have to make this right. Gosh Madisyn why are you so stupid, you always screw everything up. I knew I should of told him.

Quietly I walked inside my house, and upstairs to my room. I should change before I go back down. I put on a pair of dry leggings and a dry t-shirt.

I walked back downstairs; everyone was still here.

"Madisyn! I was just about to give you this after you announced the news, but instead I gave it to Shawn," Nash told me. He still left out what he was talking about. 

Before I could say anything Shawn was putting something around my neck. I looked down at the charm on my chest, and noticed it was the necklace Shawn gave me a long time ago. The one I threw out the window, but how?

"How did you get this?" I asked giving Shawn a huge hug.

"Nash just gave it to me," he smiled pointing towards the long haired boy.

Nash is growing his hair out.

"That day I found it outside your window, and I have been saving it waiting for this day to come!" He cheekily said.

I ran and gave Nash a big hug. I mumbled a quick thank you, and sat back down.

"You guys are truly the best."


I sat up my camera, and turned on my lights.

Shawn and I decided to make a video together. At first we are going to do the Boyfriend/Girlfriend challenge, and at the end sing Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran.

I know we aren't telling the public yet, but we are making the video so when we decided to tell the public all I have to do is post the video. Pretty snazzy right?

"Hellos everybody! I am Madisyn Espinosa back with another video! So right now it may be weird because all you can see over this face is a big blur that is because I have a special guest! So first I just want say is this is my boyfriend. I know, I know, I have been hiding it for about two weeks. Only my close family and friends know who it is, but no one else. So without further ado, my boyfriend is Shawn!" I shouted giving him a kiss.

"Hi guys," he smiled and waved.

"I know this might be shocking for you guys, and it may not be to others. But we are back together, and happy again. So this week we are going to first play the boyfriend/girlfriend tag then sing give me love together. Because Ed Sheeran is kinda the best."

I looked over at Shawn who was smiling at me. I bit my lip, and looked down to hide my face. Continue Madisyn.

"Alright so I am going to ask Shawn questions about me, and he is going to ask me questions about him."

I pulled out my phone, and went on my notes.

"Okay first question, what was my very first vine?" I asked.

I do a lot of comedic and singing vines so hopefully he remembers.

"Well it was a singing vine, and you sang-Love Story by Taylor Swift."

"Correct Mr Mendes, how did you know that?"

"Well when I noticed you on vine I thought you were beautiful, so I stalked you," he blushed.

Aw how cute is that. I never knew that. It's weird how things work out. When I first saw his vines it never would of imagined all of this.

"Alright when did we first meet?"

"Well Espinosa, Matt had a Skype call going with me on the tv, and you walked in. Then the first time we met in person was when I came home with Matt after Magcon Indiana."

"Wrong! The first part was right, but the second was wrong. The first time we met in person was when you guys had a meet and greet in Virginia, and I visited Matt," I cheekily smiled because he got something wrong. I am totally going to win this.

I finished editing the video, and saved it to my files. I'm not posting it yet because we are waiting to announce us.

But Shawn won because I didn't know what age he was when he visited The United States for the first time. Pshh I just let him win because I am an amazing girlfriend.

"Can I have a kiss?" Shawn asked adding a puppy dog face.


"Oh please, I do deserve a kiss after I won," he smirked.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips while I started thinking about all of this.

I was so stupid to ignore Shawn when he first came. Obviously I had feelings for him then. I guess I was just mad at him still for everything plus Liz.

"Shawn do you wanna know why I waited so long to give you a second chance?" I asked laying down on my bed.

He came and crawled next to me making me warm up.

"Yes princess."

"I was just thinking and now I know. When you broke up with me I felt so hurt because we went through so much together. That day when Harry introduced me to Luke I felt weird because he wanted to help me through it. When you came back I felt some old feelings resurface, but I tried covering them up because I thought I had Luke. I was so concentrated on Luke because he cared for me when I needed it the most, that I became blind to what I felt for you. Not only that but you were dating Liz. All I want you to know out of this is that I never lost my love for you. I was just blind at the moment, and so oblivious. I knew I still loved you I always will. Wether this relationship last forever or not I will love you. Don't you ever forget that."

A/N: Updatedddddd


Sooo what do you guys think?????????? Also my latest obsession is Running Low. That song gives me goosebumps!

Alright my people I am going to try and update more since I have two weeks off, so be expecting some more updates!

Stay Beautiful

Peace XOXO

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