Chapter 26 New York

Start from the beginning

After talking to Niall for a couple minutes I really wanted to go to bed. When I turned around I noticed Luke awkwardly walk into the living room, and sit down on the couch next to Calum.

"Harry where is our room?" I asked trying to keep a straight face because I am still 'mad' at him. It's pretty hard to keep one if he keeps giving you weird faces.

"Second door on the left," he smirked. When I turned around I felt him slap my butt again making me jump.

I turned toward him giving him a glare, "you are pushing it Styles."

Again I turned around, and made my way to our room grabbing my bags on the way. After Harry touched my butt I saw Luke in the corner of my eye tense up. It's all his fault for kissing some blonde tramp! Okay she might not be a tramp, but I am just feeling hurt.

"I am going to go help her," I heard Harry say from the living room.

When I walked in a few seconds later Harry followed behind.

"How was your flight?" Harry asked sitting on the bed.

I started folding my clothes adding them into the dresser. "It was nice. I sat by some older lady probably in her 50's, and she was very nice."

"That is good. Okay so we have another day off tomorrow so we are going exploring!" Harry said excited.

I have already been to New York for Magcon, but I don't mind seeing Times Square. I love it so much.

"That sounds like a lot of fun! Me and you are getting a picture in the middle because we are cool, and I need a new phone background this one of Anna and me at the TCA's is getting boring to look at over a million times a day."

After I finished unpacking I grabbed my shower bag which has my Shampoo, conditioner, razor, shaving cream, body wash, brush, and face wash in it. Then I grabbed a towel.

"I'm getting in the shower then going to bed," I yawned walking out of our room.

When I got to the bathroom I stripped out of my clothes, and turned on the water. Once it was the perfect temperature I jumped in. Not literally because I would of fallen on my face with me being a klutz.

After I did all my shower stuff, I got out, and wrapped my towel around me. I scrubbed my face with my clean and clear face wash. It feels so refreshing using this stuff. Before leaving I brushed through my strawberry smelling hair.

I turned off the light, and walked by the living room earning some whistles. I didn't even bother to look at them I just held up my middle finger toward them. I don't care about walking by them in just a towel I am fine with it because they literally see nothing because I am covered up with a towel. When I got into the room I slipped on my blue t-shirt and black sweats that say Magcon on the leg.

I think before I go to bed I am going to eat something. I grabbed my wallet and phone, and slipped on my Nike slides.

"I am going to the lobby be back in a little!" I shouted opening the hotel door.

Ashton ran up to me before I could step foot out. "Mind if I come?" He asked putting on an innocent face.

"That's fine curly," I chuckled touching some of his curls.

Man his hair is really curly. Someone needs a hair cut.

When we got into the elevator I jumped onto Ashton's back because I am to tired to walk. I rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"Are you tired Madisyn?" Ashton asked with his thick accent.

"Hm." I mumbled.

The elevator dinged, and he walked us to the lobby. I jumped off his back, and went to the little area they had of stuff for sale.

"So I hope you don't mind me asking, but what happened between you and Luke? He won't tell us." Ashton asked grabbing an apple.

I pondered with the question for a little while I looked at the mini boxes of cereal they had.

"Well it's a long story," I sighed thinking about it.

"I've got time."

I groaned not wanting to stay up late.

"Okay I will tell you after I buy my food."

I grabbed a mini breakfast size box of frosted flakes and a banana. After I paid at the front desk, we walked up the stairs to floor seven which is right under us. They had a bench sitting in front of the elevator where we sat down.

I opened up my cereal, and started eating it dry.

"Okay so Calum told me that Luke really liked me. Which I totally believed because I thought he did. Well when I tried to talk to him at the concert in California because he was ignoring me I found him backstage kissing some blonde chick." I paused, and looked at Ashton who's eyes were popping out of his head. "So I went to the bathroom cried a little... Called Calum to see where Luke was turns out he was in the dressing room. So I told him how I felt, but told him how much it hurt seeing him kiss her. And before he could of came up with some lame excuse like 'she kissed me' or 'it was a fan I didn't see it coming' I left the room. That explains about all of it."

"So you guys haven't talk since then?" Ashton asked throwing his apple core in the garbage next to the bench.

I threw my garbage into the garbage, and laid my head on Ashton's shoulder while letting out a big sigh.

"No we haven't."

He wrapped his arms around my shoulder pulling me into his chest where I just closed my eyes thinking.

"Do you like him still?"

"It hasn't been that long since then. I don't know if I still do. I am just really confused," I said.

We continued to talk till my eyes stared to become heavier and heavier. Finally I fell asleep in a light slumber.

I could still feel and hear everything that's how light it was. He carefully picked me up bridal style, and carried me into the elevator. After it dinged, I could hear him opening the door.

"Guys she fell asleep I am going to put her in bed," Ashton whispered.

"Poor thing must be exhausted," I heard Liam whispered.

I could feel Ashton once again moving until he gently set me on the bed.

"I will tuck her in," Louis said coming through the door quietly.

After Louis tucked me he whispered in my ear, "I told you I would tuck you in love." Then he kissed me on the forehead. 

I snuggled in the blanket a little to get comfortable. A couple minutes later the door opened and closed again. I heard a little shuffling around, and then felt the bed sink. I am guessing Harry. He pulled me into his bare chest and kissed the top of my head.

"Good night love." He whispered.

A/N: It's so funny because as I started editing this chapter I am listening to Music Choice on my tv and stitches came on, so now I am singing along.

Needle in a thread got to get you out of my head..

Did you see the preview for 'I know what you did last summer' it's amazing!!!!!!!

Okay till next week people!

And now Drag me down is on😂
They play good songs!

'All my life you stood by me when no one else was ever behind'

Alright Love you guys

Peace XOXO

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