Chapter 69

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"Girl, you look so beautiful!" Yura compliments me.

"Really? I'm not sure." I say as i look at myself at the huge mirror, I'm really doing this. A wedding dress is so uncomfortable, my mother said the ones with gowns and Disney looking dresses are the best ones, she used to say she wished that she could've worn one at her wedding.

Here I am, wearing a huge white gown that fits me perfectly, it's long from the back that I need someone to hold it for me. My hair is done in a triple twist half up, Yura said it was the most beautiful one so I chose it. Evan had bought me azalea pins to wear in my hair. To remind me that whether the flower I'm named after is poisonous, he would be poisoned by the love of it.

"If I was a man I wouldn't let you go. Well, Evan beat me to it." She rolls her eyes and I chuckle. I haven't seen Evan all day and he hasn't seen me all day. I'm going crazy, I can't go a minute without thinking about him or his beautiful grey eyes.

I'm not sure if I look good, but lets hope Evan loves it. Or I'm going to cancel the wedding and remake it until he likes it.

"I still can't get over the fact that you're going to be married and I am the bridesmaid." She says as she turns around happily, her wisteria colored dress turning around with her. She's even more beautiful when she's happy like this.

"And I can't get over the fact that you're engaged." I chuckle when she turns all red. Alex proposed a week ago when I was officially CEO, that was one of the reasons Yura wasn't there. I did see Alex earlier, he wasn't scowling like usual, his face was unusually bright

"Shh- no one knows yet." She says as her face starts beaming, her smile isn't gonna fit in her face. Doesn't her cheek hurt her when she smiles so wide?

"Babes, smile." She touched my cheeks with both her hands as she tries to make a smile. "Today is all about you." She says with a warm smile. I love Yura in Evry way possible, but the person I need right now is Evan.

"I did not see Evan all day and I'm frustrated that I didn't." I remove her hand from my cheeks as I sit on a chair.

"You know you can't let him see you until you walk down that aisle, right?" She says, knowing damn well if she doesn't want over me I would go to Evan's dressing room and the surprise would be ruined.

"Yes, yes, I know." I roll my eyes, I feel like a child getting scolded whenever Yura does this, it's funny and annoying in the same time somehow.

"Good." She nods fastly then she turns her back at me, her hand starts shaking and I come to a conclusion. She's crying.

I stand on my heels and I wrap my arms around her. "Don't cry, Yura. Princesses don't cry." I say, getting reminded of the man who held me in his arms when I fell off the bike.

"Where'd you get that one from?" She says in a wobbly voice as she wraps her arms around me, her eyes teary.

"Doesn't matter." I smile it off.


God I'm so nervous. I'm standing here waiting for the bride, my bride. I haven't seen her all day and it's unfortunate, it's my wedding and I can't see my bride? It's just not fair.

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