Chapter 4

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I guess she does have emotions, that smile shows that maybe she's talking to her significant other.

"You have a boyfriend?" I ask with a grin on my face.

"No." She answers coldly as her expression becomes emotionless once again.

Fuck I can't pull one of those "I can see why" because I really don't see why she wouldn't be in a relationship.

"You were the one who proposed the truce and you're acting like you hate my guts." I cross my arms and look at her with a raised brow.

She looks at me with her mismatched eyes. "I dislike you. Not hate you."

"I can't say the same thing. But at least I have reasons."

"What makes you think I don't have reasons to dislike you?" She raised her brow, I look at her eyes, one so dark that it can pull you into it like a black hole, but her pale blue eye is like the ocean waves.

"Because I've tried to be your friend all those years ago. Yet you never tried to even communicate." I say, at least it's half-true. The real reason I hate her is because she had the most ugliest personality a human can have. "Now, why do you hate me?" I ask back.

She scoffs. "Fine, I'll tell you why I never wanted to be friends with you. You're arrogant, stubborn and a pain in my ass, You used to talk behind my back, and of course, you were never patient to even be friends."

Okay, maybe I did talk behind her back, and yes I'm not the patient type, but I'm not arrogant and stubborn.

The silent finally breaks, but I don't like how it broke. Someone came inside the restaurant with a whole ass gun in his hands.

"Get your fucking hands up and all of you get down to the ground!!" He shouts.

"Get down, Evan! Now!" Azaleas shouts as she herself gets down and I do the same.

I look over to the table where my father and Kano should be. I sigh a sigh of relief as I don't see them there. For once I'm going to thank cigarettes.

"Evan. Take my phone and give it to me." She orders with her husky voice, and my brain does exactly what she says as I snatch her phone from the table and passed it to her underneath the table.

She takes the phone, and got up herself.

"You! Get down!" The robber says.

"Get back down!" I shout-whisper.

"For god's sake." I hear her mutter underneath her breath.

Then there's a shot, then two, then three... Is she dead? Oh hell no. I'll have to deal with her death later, I'm a mafia leader I can deal with death.

I should've took my gun, but I left it at my car.

So much for a mafia leader, Evan.

Oh shut up, stupid voices.

My instinct tells me to stay down for my own good, but I get up anyways to see if I'm going to see her dead body. Instead she's tidying her dress, and there's a cut on the side of her dress that I didn't notice before, it shows her hip and fuck that looks hot.

I look to the other direction and saw the robber on the ground, screaming in pain. Both of his legs are shot, and the gun he was holding earlier is on the ground, very far away from him. The ground was also shot.

"I-" I turn to her and see her making her way to a little girl who was crying. Then she crouched and got to her eye-level.

"It's okay. I took care of it. Don't cry." She says in a gentle voice but her expression is still intimidating.

The kid hugs her, I know Azaleas, she hates physical touch. I hope she doesn't push the kid away, because that's gonna be fucked up. To my surprise, she hugs the kid back. The little girl relaxes and Azaleas suddenly got the whole restaurants attention. Everybody started clapping for her as she got up.

Her eye twitched because she doesn't like attention.

I walk over to her and in front of me, she looks like a fragile figure that I could easily break. But from what she did now, I think she can break me.

"Are you okay?" It pains me to ask it. But I have humanity unlike a certain someone.

"No, not okay. The attention is too much." She says, talking in a low tone so other people wouldn't hear her.

"Okay. Let's get out and catch some breath."

She nods and ruffled the little girls hair, then followed me outside.

"it's cold." She says while holding her arms together.

I am not a gentleman, but I guess I can make an exception. Even if she is my fucking enemy. The thing that just happened made me hate her less.

I take off my jacket and hand it to her. She looks at me and hesitated for a second, then took it and wore it.

"I think I might give that little kid nightmares." She sighs and leaned her back over the wall.

"I think you might be her hero." I chuckle as she looks at me in confusion, maybe I hate her, yes, but I don't like lying. "You just protected all of them, by yourself, and I think saving our lives will give us hope, not nightmares." I soften my tone and her eyes widen for a second, then she shows a small smile.

"When you pull somethings like this, I start considering you likable." Her small smile lasts, I never seen her smile when we were teenagers or children. She was always this ice cold girl that I never know what she thinks.

"Is that a compliment?" I tilt my head.

"Take it however you want." She looks over to a direction, and I look over it too. There they were, Kano and Andre rushing back.

"Are you guys okay? I heard shots." Andre asks, concern in his tone.

"All good." I smile as Kano looks at Azaleas, like she did something bad. She gives him a look saying. I did nothing. The same one she gave when she caused trouble in school.

"God, Azaleas. Why did you rip your dress?" He asks her and got closer.

"I had a little gun strapped to my thigh, it's useful." She opens the rip in her dress and it shows a strap around her thigh, a knife and another gun. Damn, that's hot. "It was a robber."

He puts a hand on his forehead. "I told you not to bring weapons with you!" she shrugs as an answer and he gets annoyed. "You didn't kill him, did you?" He asks.

"No. Shot him in the legs, that's all." She says as she grabs the knife from her sheath and started playing around with it.

"I'll call the police." He sighs and looks at her again. "Put the knife down, Azaleas." He warns and got inside the restaurant.

I chuckle as she sighs and sheaths the knife. She looks at me and she smiles a little again then it drops. She doesn't smile for more than ten seconds, I wonder why that is?

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