Chapter 45

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It's April first. Everything in the last days is going good and great. Everything is going smoothly. My plan hasn't been discovered yet, it will operate tomorrow. The letters are ready, I made sure that once I will be gone. They will find them.

"Another success for Deep Red." Kano rubs my back slowly.

"I knew this would work." Andre on the other side of the table says confidently.

I hate company dinners, they're somewhat annoying.

"Cheers to Evan and Azaleas who worked their hardest on the project." They raised their glasses and I raise my glass of orange juice.

Evan is beside me, his hand on my thigh in a reassuring way, but it feels intimate.

"Is something the matter, Angel?" He whispers in my ear. "You're awfully quiet, I'd rather you'd speak more. It's pleasant." He adds and leans back.

"No, all is good." That's the thing, nothing is fine. My mind is racing with thoughts, and whenever I try to surpress the pain of not seeing them again, of not seeing him again, it just gets harder to avoid.

"Should we break the news?" He asks again.

"They already know. Didn't you see them these last days? They're so obvious about us being with each other." I look at him with a grin and he chuckles.

"You're right. We have to visit my family soon, what do you say?" He asks in a low tone, so only I can hear him.

"Sure, I would love too." I smile. An empty promise. I hate empty promises, but I guess you do become what you hate most.

"Azaleas, Evan." Andre speaks and we both get out of our world and switch our attention to Andre.

"Don't you have something to tell us?" Kano says in a playful tone.

"Told you." I say in a whisper. "You tell them, I need to eat." I smile when he narrows his eyes at me.

"We're dating." He says, his gaze burning a hole into me while I eat my pizza.

"Ali was right in the end." Kano chuckles.

"You two are totally a match. We're happy for you guys, ill just have to tell Amelia, Ali and Ryan. Plus this is a benefit to our companies, if we break the news to the socials, it'll increase our sales."

"No." Evan and I say in unison in a cold tone. We aren't going to go public just because of sales, it's our private lives. Plus I would rather die than have paparazzi following me.

It's not like you'll stay to see paparazzi behind you.

Ah. I forgot.

"Fine. It was just a suggestion, you can always change your mind." Andre crosses arms over his chest.

"I can't say Sarah would be happy." Kano says.

My grip on my black dress tightens.

"Why?" Evan asks.

"She liked you, I mean I don't know if she still does," Kano shares. "I care about her happiness, you know?" He adds.

My stomach tastes like acid. "Where's Takeshi by the way?" I bite right back, maybe he didn't mean to do me like that. But I know what to exactly do.

"Oh." His expression drops. "He died, I thought you knew."

"Too bad." Princesses don't cry. He's still haunting me, but it's just his shadow. Not the real him, not the man I knew when I grew up. The man who actually loved me.

"Anyways. I'll tell Bella and Sarah when I'll get home." He says with a smile.

Don't forget your place, you're not his real daughter.

That's true, I lived by that mindset in that house and it worked.

Evan grabs my hand and interlaced it with his, his gentle touch sending me electric shocks through my veins.

"Azaleas, did you know Evan didn't date? He just liked to play with them then cast them aside." Andre said. I don't know how i should take that, but why is Andre telling me about it?

"And?" I turn to meet his gaze, a cold stare on my face.

"What I meant to say is, I hope you two stay together and for him to be more mature." His gaze turns to Evan.

Evan's jaw ticks, he's mad. I give his hand a squeeze and he squeezes right back. What's wrong with his father and Kano trying to get the worst out of us?

"Anyways, me and Andre are going out for a smoke. You guys stay here and do whatever... You do." Kano says and he and Andre get up and got out of the restaurant.

"Really? Sarah?" He scoffs. "I never saw her in a way that isn't friendly."

"She is beautiful. I wouldn't blame you if you ever had the urge to.. you know." I sigh. Jealousy stings, I never knew it would, but it does.

"Are you jealous?" He says with a smirk.

"No I'm not." I turn my head to him, and he catches my lips in his.

"Don't worry. I only love you." He pulls back and he looks at me, affection filling his eyes, I feel pain in my chest, in my heart, in my stomach. I'm leaving him with an explanation on a letter. It's not fair for him. But he would stop me.

I smile. "I love you too." I give him a peck on the lips and I turn back to my plate.

"Are you going anywhere tomorrow?"

"Yes, tomorrow I have a full schedule. I can't go anywhere." Tomorrow. Fuck I can't get it out of my head.

"I wanted us to go on a date. Because you know.." he hesitates and I smile at his nervousness. "I-its just because our schedules were full all these days."

It would be better not to go. "I'm so sorry, love. I can't. I wish I could cancel all my meetings. But I can't."

"It's okay. Next time."  He smiles warmly and I smile back.

Tomorrow, I'm done for. If I get back alive it's going to be a miracle. But at least people will get to live and not get sexualized anymore.

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