Chapter 1

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I thought love wouldn't solve anything. I still do.

My uncle calls me to his office, and all I'm wondering is what I did or what I did not do. Is it Olivia getting caught talking about sex in my office? No, it's probably not that, she would've been fired by now, and I would've probably saved her from that.

I walk to his office and stand before his door, praying I won't get any nagging. As much as I am patient, I can't stand nagging.

I open the door to see him sitting in his chair, his blue eyes focused on some paperwork, he then looks at me as I close the door, and took off my coat and sat on a chair facing him.

My uncle is a six foot three man with deep blue eyes, black hair that has hints of silver, his jawline square, he always wears suits, obviously because he's the CEO of the company I'm working at as the COO named 'Deep red'. His name is Kano Sakuno, 49 years old from Japan.

"How are you holding up too things, sweetheart?" His tone is gentle, meaning nothing is wrong, but you never know.

"It's all good, you know how I am." I shrug.

"I called you here because, there's someone I want you to meet. Well not now, but soon." He says.

"And who is this someone?" I tilt my head.

"It's a surprise, sweetheart. Get your schedule ready to be free on.." he looks at his computer and clicks on some buttons. "...December third." He continued.

"Can I at least know why I am meeting this person?" I interrogate.

"We're doing a collaboration with them, so you might as well meet the successor." He smiles warmly as I get up.

"Alright, ill be there." One week from now. I can work with that.

I take my coat from the couch and opened the door, to see Olivia standing right beside it, waiting for me. She's so small, sometimes I can't see her, she's a five-foot two 23 year old, with caramel eyes and hints of freckles on her nose, her hair is light-brown and she's my assistant.

As I walk forward, she follows from behind until she makes it to be beside me, as my security joins us from where she was standing.

"Clear my schedule for December third." I order.

"But Ma'am, you have an important dinner with.." she stops when I cut her off with raising a hand.

"No buts, just clear it." I side-eye her and she nods.

As we walk to my office, she enters with me leaving security behind the door. I sit on my chair, turning it from side to side while fidgeting with my pen.

"Azaleas?" she says in a concerned tone. "You never cancel shit. What happened?" she asks.

"It's Kano, he wants me to meet someone." I look at her as she sits on the couch and crosses her legs, like it's her office. I mean she works here more than me, so really, it's her office.

"Wasn't he the one strict about cancelling meetings and dinners?" she tilts her head.

"Honestly, my gut is telling me it's bad, and my instinct is alwa-"

she cuts me off "Always right. And i can agree with that. Because your instinct saved me from many near-deaths."

"Partly because it's my fault."

"No. I was the one who accepted working in the organization. I knew I was going to have near-deaths." she says while looking at her hands, fidgeting with her skirt.

My organization, "Spiders", is a well-known secret organization that saves people from kidnappers, sex traffickers, killing and shit. Olivia, is a trained fighter that helps with the situations sometimes. Tyler and Alex, the best hackers in the organization, they always help with the cameras. Of course the one who helped them learn all of that was me, I'm a trained-killer and, the best hacker in the world. The government fears me, they all want to annihilate me. Too bad they matched with me.

"Zero." I say and she turns to me, the word zero is a code for my Bluetooth ear-piece to work, it's small and undetectable by the human eye. "Any news?" I say while looking at my computer while Olivia get to her feet and she exits my office to go to her real office.

"Yes." Tyler answers. "We found a couple of videos on the dark-web of children getting.. uh-"

"Send them to me, and trace them. You don't need to watch it twice, Tyler." I sigh, not saving other children getting tortured is like punching me right in my face till I see stars. As I check my phone, the video already sent to me, I'll watch it later when I get home. And it's gonna hurt me physically and mentally.

"One" I disactivate the Bluetooth ear-piece and looked at my computer for a good five minutes, trying to process what the hell is happening. I snap out of it when someone knocks on the door.

"Come in." I say as the finance director comes in with paperwork, something that'll keep me focused.

"This is our latest work, we hope you accept it." His hands are shaking as he gives me the paperwork and put his hands behind his back, his forehead sweating. Am I that scary?

"Yes. I'll check it. You may leave." I cross my arms over my chest, his eyes suddenly drop to my chest and look back at my face before he bows down and leaves. Pervert, men are so predictable.

I read through it, a new product sounds good, but it doesn't seem right, the writing is stupid and the idea is idiotic, what the hell is 'crocs on crocs'. I swear one of these days I'm gonna murder someone here. Even if they did nothing evil. I throw the paper across the desk and sigh. I bet this is his idea, the other finance specialist are smarter than this, I know their work better than anyone.

"Azaleas?" Alex speaks through the ear-piece.

"Zero. Yes, Alex?" I answer.

"We tried to trace it but it's untraceable, but we figured out something else, there's a warehouse in the country-side of the city, full of tortured women and children. Should we work on it?" he asks for permission.

"Yes, of course. When you finish, send me the rest of the informations. One" I hang up just like that, excited to save people and kill douchebags, the thrill is way too satisfying.

Those stupid pedophiles and sex traffickers are going to die a slow, painful death.

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