Chapter 29

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Maybe I went a bit too far with the kissing, but it shows just how much she wants me. And I don't mind it, one bit. But her teasing me about practicing with someone? Well that lit a fire inside me, whoever it is. I'm going to respectfully blow their brains out.

"I told you. It's no one. I swear." She tries to convince me. I believe her, but I still would blow anyone's head off if they took what's mine. Whether men or women. I was never much of a gentleman.

"You want me to stay?" I ask without turning her way, watching the road as I make my way to her house.

She doesn't answer.

"I'm asking you, Angel. Do you want me to stay?" I emphasize on the last word.

"You can't stay with me. Even if I want too, you have work too do. Evan." She says my name and it never seems to wake a stupid bastard in my pants.

"I can work from home. I always do that." I tell her.

"What about your other work?" She asks.

"Jay can take care of that." I assure her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Just tell me you want me to stay with you. And I will do just that." I say with a smile. But I still do not turn towards her.

"I-" she sucks in a breath. "I want you to stay with me." She admits finally. And that flutters my heart and my brain crashes into pieces. Fuck the road, I grab her by the neck and kiss her. Then I refocus on the road as if nothing happened.

We finally get to her house, I got used to steadying her by putting my hand on her waist.

A big German Shepherd in the hall waiting for her to come in. Yes, I was surprised by how big the mansion is it was bigger than mine. But I got used to it's size. Since she lived here with this huge ass dog that is glaring at me, I glare right back at him but he doesn't cower.

"Oliver." Azaleas says, warning in her voice.

The dog named Oliver stops glaring at me and I do the same.

"Your house interior is.." it's beautiful that's one thing, but I didn't imagine she would be living here.

"It's vivid. Just like my mother once spoke about houses." She says.

The house from the outside? Blank, it doesn't have lots of color besides white and gray, but the inside is the complete opposite of the outside. It's full of vivid colors. It has a lot of mirrors, which is surprising because I have never seen someone's house contain this many mirrors.

Fake green vines surround the house, they make it look even more beautiful. They make it look like a home, it's the opposite of Azaleas, it's warm, so warm. And now that I think about it. Azaleas is warm as well. Maybe I found my home in her.

"My mother always dreamed of a house like this. So, even as the cold child I am. My goal was to make all her dreams come true one way or another." Another thoughtful Azaleas in the wild. I know it's hard for her to talk about it, but I'm happy she's talking about it, with me.

"I see. Elizabeth always liked colors if I remember correctly."

She stiffens, and that my sign to change the subject. "Why is your dog all mad at me?" I ask as i bury my body on top of a couch, the crouch growl in response.

"You smell like cats." She answers and takes a seat on the couch facing me.

"He hates cats doesn't he?"

"He despises them." She says while looking at Oliver with a pained look.

"He acts like you." She turns to me with a glare. "Nope. You're scarier for sure." I chuckle.

Her eyes lift as if she remembered something. "The video, the info. I need to see it."

"Really? Now?" I turn to her with apathetic look.

"Yes, now."

"No." I get up and sat beside her, she tenses and I know why she does, she thinks I will tower over her and kiss her again. Which I might do.

She sits farther away and I make my way closer to her and closer until she was cornered.

"Fine. No work. Just scoot over there and let me sit in peace."

I chuckle at her defeat, but I don't get farther away from her. Instead, I grab her and put her on my lap.

"Tell me that's a sword or something." She looks for reassurance at what's pressing between her thighs, I don't answer. My silence is answer enough for her to sigh.

"How does it feel like?" I ask her, she looks down at me and she reddens a bit, making think what's on her mind instead.

When she's sitting on me, she looks taller than me. And that turns me on more.

"How does what feel like?" She cocks her head.

"You liking me. How does it feel like?"

"I never said that."

"But you never denied you did." I smile.

She stays silent, Azaleas won't accept defeat and give in that easily.

"Say it, Azaleas." I say in an authoritative voice that my father would be proud of.

"Make me, Evan. Make me." She challenged me with her eyes, a cold stare full of lust.

"Let's see how long you can go without trying to touch me." I smirk as I kiss her bared neck, making her twitch. Fuck that's hot. I began to nibble on her neck, getting a soft moan out of her As she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Look at me, Angel." I order her and I feel the light weight on my shoulder disappears. She looks at me, her expression is engraved in my memory. This expression belongs to me, and me only.

"Fuck." I hear her mutter, it always will amuse me to hear her a curse word coming out of that beautiful mouth of hers. "I like you, okay?"

"As if I didn't know that." I chuckle and engraved my teeth on her skin like she engraved these memories in my head.

These marks show that she's mine. And mine only. No one can share her with me, no one can take her away from me, and no one will dare to even touch a strand of her hair.

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