Chapter 7

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Fuck, I'm fucked. What is she doing here?! And why is there a man behind her dragging a dead body?!

"What are you doing here?! It's dangerous!" I say as i take a step forward. I feel eyes watching, not my men. Other eyes.

"I... Was camping." She answers.

Really, camping? In a scary forest next to a warehouse full of sex traffickers that kidnapped Stella?

"Right." I cross my arms across my chest. "It's dangerous here, Azaleas."

She mutters something under her breath and rests her arms on her waist. Two leg holster on each thigh, guns stuck to them. As for a dagger in a sheath wrapped around her waist. It seems sharp as hell.

"Care to explain?" I tilt my head slightly.

"If you explain first, and if you tell your men to get their guns down, or I'm going to kill them all." She puts her hands on her leg holsters.

"I think she means it." Jay says from behind me.

"No shit. You heard her. Put the fucking guns down." I warn as my men put their guns down and she removes her hand from the guns and puts them back to her waist.

"You explain first, I'll explain after you." She says, she isn't lying.

"Boss, you can't tell her. We don't even know her-" I raise a hand to cut Jay off and he shuts up.

"Some of the sex traffickers kidnapped someone. So we need to take her back."

"Her name?" She asks.


"Full name, Evan." She says in her husky voice. I love when she says my name with that voice. Keep doing that and eventually you'll like her..

"Stella Armstrong." I answer.

"Yeah, she's with Elena. They're taking care of them." She says with an emotionless face.

"Don't tell me your behind all this?" I gesture to the house.

"No." She says calmly.

"Now you explain your reason." I look back at her eyes and she sighs.

"I help the children and women. I kill the kidnappers. I take on as much information possible to save these people. That's all." She answers, her eyes full of truth and honesty. Something I never saw in her.

"Stella is coming with us." Jay says from behind, his tone ordering her.

"If she wants too." She looks at him with a glare, Azaleas doesn't like to be ordered around. "Zero. Bring Stella Armstrong back. Now. One."

"What was that?" I ask.

"Nothing that concerns you." She crosses her arms over her chest and I try my best to keep my eyes on her eyes, I'm not a pervert.

A car pulls over and my men hold a gun against it. A familiar looking girl and Stella come out of the the car. I look at Azaleas's eyes and they looked worried, she has emotions after all.

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