Chapter 26

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I lay her in the passenger seat and got inside my driver seat as she dozed off. Jay already dropped off the man to my basement an hour ago, which made things easy.

Yura took Azaleas's motorcycle to leave no evidence of what happened, as for the house. Luka and Isabella, and some overs from Azaleas's team helped clean the bodies. My men helped with the blood, not an ounce of evidence was going to be left.

I drive to my house and park the car there, the I hold Azaleas between my arms again and took her to my bedroom. For you information I don't let anyone in this room, I don't live with my parents. I live in a huge ass mansion, alone.

Except for my two cats who are always running around, Mimi and Leo. Today, they weren't, they were surprised of the new presence in the house, they hadn't left Azaleas's side from when she got here.

I wonder if cats can sense if a person has good intentions, because there's no way my cats would trust anyone this fast.

I climb up slowly to the bed and rested my head on Azaleas's stomach, as for my hand holding hers. I wasn't going to let her do anything until I'm convinced she's okay.

I'm sure Kano is worried as hell about her, I'm not even sure if she lives with him.


I wake up in a bedroom that isn't mine, a big bedroom to be exact, maybe even bigger than mine at the mansion. I wonder what happened and how the hell I got here. There's weight on my stomach which is very weird, and the smell that Oliver hates so much he wouldn't let me sleep, all because of the stupid smell of stray cats surrounding the mansion.

I open my eyes and see Evan's head on my stomach, he isn't sleeping though. Two cats on my left looking at me as if they're worried. What happened in the last three hours?

Iron hideout. Children. Bomb. Evan.

Oh fuck.

I was weak, I got careless. I forgot that that could be a trap, the ten children died and that fills me with rage, I swear to God if I don't demolish Iron. I'm not Azaleas Sakuno.

I poke Evan's blond pale hair gently and he got up fast and looked over at me.

"You're awake." He states as he gets up of the bed and the two cats sit up.

"What happened? In details." I don't trust my memory right now, because now? There are holes in it, as if I hit my head. But I can still remember...

His deep voice drifts me off my thought of remembering my mother. He explains everything--in boring detail-- about what happened.

Thank god that thirty victims managed to get out, but the ten children... Those are my fault for being careless.

"You didn't mention about threatening Tyler." I remember.

"It was just a small threat, don't worry." He says in a gentle tone that almost makes it believable, almost. But he's a mafia boss. His threats are never small.

"Evan." He finally looks up at me. "What did you tell Tyler." I say in a cold tone and he winces.

"Let's just say he won't touch you. Ever again." He matches my tone. He makes it sound like Tyler did something to me, which I'm sure he didn't.

"Why do you care if someone touches me?" I ask him.

He doesn't speak. His silence fills the room.

"Answer." I order.

"I can't answer you." He says, not making eye-contact with me.

"You can." I want to fidget with something, the only beside me are the two cats. Despite me not liking cats that much. I grab the white furred one and put her on my lap, petting her.

"I want to hate you." Well, ouch. "I need to hate you." Another ouch. "But I can't." Not ouch. Not ouch. System alert, your heart has past the beating limit.

"What?" I say, dumbfounded by him.

"What I'm saying is, I like you." He turns his head to me, this time making eye-contact.

I flinch. Did he just confess to liking me? As in me? As in Azaleas Sakuno? As in the old brunette girl he hated so much?

"No." I deny. "You hate me. You've reminded me countless of times how much you did."

"When was the last time I told you that I hated you, Angel?"

The last time? I try to remember... It was at the surprise dinner. That was the last time he declared his hate on me. That was when it all started.

"Dinner." I answer.

"Yes, dinner. I didn't feel hatred towards you anymore, Angel. You live in my head, whenever I try to focus, I think of you. Whenever I try to even think of something else but you. You always make it through my mind."

I post-pinned my appointment with my doctor because of my schedule, maybe I really should go. Because my heart is going to get out of it's place and that isn't good news.

"I-" for the first time in years, I don't know what too say. This isn't tech, this isn't business, this isn't fighting skills. These are feelings, something I never cared about, something I forgot existed ever since my mother died.

"If you don't like me back. I get it. I was a dick as a teen, but I swear I'm not a dick now. Well at least with you I'm not."

"No. I mean-" my brain is gone. Quite literally not working.

"Please." He pleaded "I can't take it any longer. At this point if I see another man holding you in their arms, I might kill them knowing that you're not mine."

The chains around my heart fucking shatter. Quite literally. Maybe it was him. It always was him. He was the only one who had free entry to my heart. The only one for me. And the only one who will have my ring.

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