Chapter 11

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She entered the meeting room and I was almost brought to my knees when I saw her. Her silver hair was down reaching her waist, her blue eye looks full of hope, but her black eye looks lifeless, emotionless and cold, but if you look into her eye more, you can see a little glint of light. Her black eye is exactly how she is. Her mouth sculpted just for me to steal. She looks like a devil in disguise of an angel, a black blazer, a white button down shirt on top of it a black corset vest with black trousers.

I want to take those clothes off of her and fuck her till she comes on my cock a thousand times.

Not good, Evan. Getting hard at a meeting?


She sat on the right of Kano, which means she sat next to me. But thank god for the presentation that took two hours to explain and discuss. I would never be able to do that. But the fact that it had zero flaws and zero faults is surprising. Given the time Kano gave her to make it.

"You wanna grab coffee?" Her husky voice brought me back to earth.

Decline. Decline. Decline. "Uh- yeah. I could use some coffee now." Fuck.

"Alright." She starts making her way to the door.

"Azaleas." Kano's voice stops her and she turns around.

"Yes?" She cocks her head.

"Come home later. Let's celebrate." He smiles warmly.

She stays silent but nods anyway. I notice her hand clenching and I suddenly have the urge to hold it.

I walk behind her leaving my dad and Kano to talk as we get coffee.

"You don't seem very good." I walk beside her as her security follow us from behind.

"It's nothing." She doesn't make eye contact, and that isn't so Azaleas.

If she doesn't want to say it, I'll leave her be. "Okay. But stop tightening your first, you might get injured given your long nails." I state.

"Oh. I didn't notice." She unclenched her hand and looked at it, blood dripping.

"Oh my god, ma'am are you okay?" A security asks.

"Yes. I'm fine. You guys can leave, I'll be in my office with Mr.Evan." she assures  them and they bow down, then left.

We get to her office and I see a girl sitting on the chair of Azaleas's desk, looking through the computer.

"Is she snooping around?" I ask in a low tone.

"No. She's working on my computer." She says and the girl looks up from the computer and got up immediately, her face reddened when she sees me and she bowed down.

"I apologize, I'll be leaving right away!!" She tries to rush to the door but Azaleas catches her wrist and the girl turns around

"You can use your office from now on, since I'll be here a lot. Okay, Olivia?" Azaleas says gently at the girl named Lea.

"Yes, I understand." Olivia smiles back and left the office in the speed of light.

"What's wrong with her?" I interrogate.

"She has a soft spot for handsome men." She makes her way to her chair then stops mid-way as she realized what she said.

"You think I'm handsome?" I take a step forward and she turns around. A sigh escapes her mouth.

"No." She gets defensive. "I think you're average. Very average. Olivia... Talked about you the other day and she said you were handsome, that's all." She says quickly then noticed her injured hand. "Stop grinning and bring me the med-kit, it's in the first drawer." She points with her finger.

I chuckle knowing Olivia didn't say anything, Azaleas is lying and I never seen her flustered or embarrassed before. I reach the drawer and opened it, taking the med kit and walking towards where she was sitting.

I sit on the couch next to her.

"Give me your hand."

"No, I can do it myself." She tries to grab the kit but I snatch it.

"Give. Me. Your. Hand." I bite out every word.

She gives up and sighs, giving me her hand. Her hands tense as I clean up the wound, then I take two bandaids and put one on one of her hands, and the other on the other hand.

"When you get mad just do something else than hurting yourself." I advice.

"Why would you think I was mad?" She demands.

"When Kano asked you to come home and celebrate, you clenched your hand. You didn't even answer him you just nodded. And that is mad Azaleas, if i remember of course." I smirk.

"How do you know all that?" Her hands relax and her gaze softens.

"We were enemies from where we met, they say keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I quote.

"So you used to keep tabs on me?" She says in a teasing way, her expression could use some work though.

"Maybe." I smile. "So, did you dye your hair?"

"No. It's my natural hair."

"Why did you keep them hidden for so long?"  I gesture to her hair and silver hair.

"Personal reasons." Her smile drops and I figured I shouldn't ask questions like that.

"Anyways, I'm flattered you think I'm handsome." I change the subject and she turns to me immediately.

"I do not think you're handsome." She said defensively.

I laugh at her reaction and she stands up. "Coffee, right." She gives me her back as she makes coffee, this only makes me want to tease her more.

She finishes up the coffee and gives me one cup. "You didn't poison it right?" I ask, a huge grin on my face.

"I don't know, check for yourself." She rolls her eyes and sat farther away from me.

I take a sip of the coffee, it tastes... Sweet. Just like I like it.

"How'd you know?" I turn to her and she raises a brow in confusion. "The coffee, I mean. How'd you know I like it sweet?"

"I knew you like it sweet since we were teens, another reason it's because I like it sweet as well." She takes a sip of her own coffee and put the cup back to the table.

That was unnecessarily hot. I'm not a teenager anymore, but her being confident about her natural looks and not hiding who she really is.. makes me hate her less. Maybe even like her. But I'm not quite there yet.

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