Chapter 49

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"What are these?" Tyler asks me.

"Letters." I give them one by one and they open them. Mine and Ali's are inside my pocket, and I gave Aaron's letter to Kano, hoping he would deliver it.

"I'm so sorry, how is Azaleas?" Andre comes running. And then I remember, my mother is a monster. She killed thousands of children and sold them. I can't break the news to him, if Azaleas wakes up. I'm going to tell him.

The hatred I feel towards my mother right now is uncontrollable, I feel like I can kill her and I would not regret it.

"She might live." I say in a low whisper, a voice that isn't my own. It's cold and emotionless.

I feel like a huge piece of my heart got snatched and shattered, and the only piece that's left need to be protected and not used. Is this how she felt? Was she this broken? I understand now why she didn't show emotions, showing emotions means weakness. And she didn't like that.

"I'm so sorry, son." He rubs my back but doesn't take a seat next to me, probably because of Oliver who's sitting patiently.

I hear Yura cry more while reading her letter. I ignore her, and I play a bit with my ring. She had left the ring that was on her index finger for me. She left it for me to have.

If her mother wasn't human and was an angel I wouldn't think twice about and I would believe it. The woman was too kind. She was sweet and beautiful.

"Don't worry. She'll wake up." He reassures me. Hopefully she does.

I'm lost. Really really lost. If I want to deal with this. Ill drown myself in work. Both mafia and business.

"Yura." I walk up to Yura and Oliver follows me from behind.

"Yes?" She says in a wobbly voice.

"Follow me." I say, she hesitates but she follows me anyways.

"What?" She says, her eyes red and her cheeks are flushed from crying.

"Where's the leader?" I ask her.

"I can't tell you that." She looks down to the floor.

"Azaleas trusts me, just tell me." I say again, my tone sharper than before.

She gives up and looks up at me. "In Azaleas's basement."

"I'm working with you on this one. I'll get you all the Intel you need." I say before she stops me from going out once more. I'm going to go back to the hospital tomorrow, now I have a new thing to do.

I get to Azaleas's place and I give Oliver some food so he can rest. I go down to the basement.

My mother is tied to a chair, her arms and legs are tied. While her eyes are covered my a cloth.

I remove the cloth on her eyes and she looks at me, hope glinting in her eyes.

"Evan! I'm so glad you're here. They kidnapped me! Azaleas is a monster." She says, relief in her voice.

Her calling Azaleas a monster lit a fire in me. "A monster?" I say, disbelief in my voice. "You kidnap children and women to sell them. And she's the monster?" I'm trying my best not to believe the words coming out of my mouth. But they are the truth.

"What? No. I would never. You know I love children." She says, the glint of hope still there. She thinks I'll let her get out.

"Are you trying to gaslight me?" I say in a cold voice.

Her eyes widen at my tone. "I would never do that."

My phone vibrates, somehow Yura got my number.

Unknown: it's Yura, your mom is the boss 100%. Everything connects to her. And in her plans, she was planning on taking Alissa Ravens. Your sister.

My heart drops, if it wasn't bad enough that Azaleas is dying. It's worse. My sister was going to get kidnapped.

"Really. Mother? You were planning on taking Alissa?" I know it's true when  her eyes widen. "My fucking sister and your fucking daughter!" I shout.

"Oh Evan." She chuckles, the glint in her eyes disappearing and a devil looking stare replaces it. "I want to take over the government. To take over everything. They think women can't do anything. Well I did. And I did a fucking good job." She says.

"Fuck you." I growl. "You are not my mother. You will never, ever be." I take a deep breath. "I'll let them take care of you. I don't care if you get tortured. I don't fucking care if you even die. I hope you do." I get out of the basement, leaving a mouth opened Amelia inside.

I call the number Yura texted me in as I make my way to the living room where Oliver is still eating.

"Yes?" She answers on the third ring.

"I'm helping you guys, I don't care if she's my mother. Send people to get Intel, I'll deal with freeing the victims. You guys just send me the location." I say in an emotionless voice.

"Got it. I'll be there with Alex. Are you sure?" She asks, a hesitation in her voice.

"Yes I am." She tried to kidnap Ali and now because of her, Azaleas is dying. I'm not letting her go easily.

"Give me fifteen minutes." She says and then she hangs up.

Mirrors surround me, and I look at myself from every angle. My face expressions hardened, my voice has become harsh. And I don't feel anything but pain and betrayal. Pain for Azaleas, betrayal from my own mother.

I'm ready to face anything. If it means paying her back for Azaleas. They say there are five stages of grief, fuck that. There's only one. Revenge.

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