Chapter 58

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I think I enjoyed being dominating, but not as much as being ordered around by a six foot seven man. But his groans, his expression every time i thrust... they're all making me go crazy about him. Really fucking crazy.

I wake up and he's not next to me, i panic a little but i smell the smell of pancakes and sweet coffee. He's making breakfast, i told Kano that i was awake, he told everyone like a little reporter. And... he's visiting here with Andre, Bella, Ali, Ryan, Aaron and fucking Sarah. I swear to god if she pulls something on my Evan i'll pull her hair off her fucking scalp. 

i get up from my bed and i rush to the kitchen, my silver hair is ruffled and i basically dont care if it is. Evan accepts however i look or act.

"Good morning, Angel." he says as he looks up at me, his hands working with the pancakes, his muscles moving slowly in my head and repeating the same motion. No. Do NOT get horny because if you do, he will too.

"Good morning, love." i dont really do nicknames, but for me, love suits him. "They're coming later. I'll take care of Owen before they come. Alright?" i say my tone soft and gentle.

"Eat before you go. Not coffee only, that isnt food, thats a drink, Angel." He smiles warmly, normally i would flip people off for telling me that but i know he cares about me and not my money. 

"Fine, dad." i roll my eyes and i take a seat next to him and he puts the pancake and sweet coffee in front of me.

He leans in and i tense, he grins at that and then he whispers in my ear. "Call me that again and i'll show you what dad can do." he warns, the throbbing between my legs intensifies and my heart starts racing. Will i ever be able to get rid of this feeling? Not in a million years.

I get silent for my own good because if i dont it will lead us to the bedroom. And my energy will sucked right out of me because of that dick of his.

i eat not making eye-contact, i can feel his gaze burning a hole inside my head.

"I'm finished." i get up and he grabs my wrist, turning me around in a smooth motion that makes my heart melt right then and there. Then he kisses me, a desperate kiss, one I will never forget. Like I'm going and never coming back.

"i love you so fucking much." he says in between kisses. He then pulls back, leaving my lips swollen and my heart racing. 

"I love you too." I say back with a genuine smile.

i make my way to the basement and i can feel the tension between us tightens, but i try my best to ignore it.

i open the door and i get downstairs, still thinking about Evan. I see Owen tied up tightly to his chair and he looks like he's been screaming for hours. Pathetic.

"Azaleas?" he looks up at me with his hazel eyes, he has beautiful eyes i cant lie about that, but i hate him. "Please let me out, ill never do something like that again." he says, looking for mercy. Since when was i known for mercy? Plus trying to gaslight me doesnt work.

i take on of my knifes from my troturing bag and i miss his face by inches, just to scare him. to my joy, he flinches. "Your lips are swollen, seems like loverboy got his dead girl after all." now he's trying to intimidate me since he knows he's dying.

"You're going to say every piece of information you have, or you'll meet my favorite knife." i hold my red dagger in my hand and his eyes go to him then he glares to me.

"Im not saying anything." he says arrogantly.

"Too bad." i smile with the thrill of torturing informations out of him. i stab his leg and he screams, then i take my dagger and kept putting pressure on my dagger.

"Fuck!! Fine i'll fucking tell you!" He screams and i grin.

"Talk." i back off, the dagger still inside his leg.

He tells me everything I need to know, from where his base is to where all the warehouse's are. Where his men are situated or where his house and main office is.

"Alright." I clap my hands together and I smile, he flinches at that, making me wonder if Evan was lying when he said my smile was beautiful.

"What are you going to do?" He asks, worry in his voice and face. His hands are shaking and I chuckle at that.

"If you think I'm letting you go, you've never been more wrong." I smile because of the thrill inside of me as I grab my dagger from his leg and I start tracing the flesh of his arm with it, scaring it badly.

"Oh my fucking god!" He shouts as I start moving to his chest, I keep swinging my dagger at his chest, blood comes gushing out.

His eyes go blank before I stab his head. "Even children lasted more than you. Disgusting." I take my bloody dagger and I go to the basement's bathroom.

I wash it with soap without bruising myself and it works, always.

My clothes are bloody, the basement is bloody. I'm basically painted in blood. "Zero, come to my house Luke, there's a body. One." I hang up.

"Roger that." He says.

I get out of the basement, a part of me screamed at me for going out looking like that in front of Evan. Another part of me was thrilled and happy and she wanted to get a shower as soon as she could.

Evan notices me and he smirked, does he like seeing me like this? I dont know. I go up to my room and I go inside my shower. There's still some house of hell following me with the family dinner. I'm sure as hell Sarah is not happy I woke up.

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