Chapter 48

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"Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck." I repeat as they get her to the operating room. Why? Why? Why? I fucked up.

"Sir, you can't go in." They stop me Infront of the door.

"Please, let me in." I plead, I never begged for anything. But there's a first time for everything. Even death.

"I'm sorry, we can't." She slams the door closed on my face and locks it to make sure I don't get inside.

My knees give out and I fall on my knees. The past hour went out in a blur. I'm still in shock that my own mother is the leader, I'm shocked Azaleas is dying. I'm shocked, period.

Kano, Yura, Tyler, Alex. And a woman maybe in her forties is rushing here. Kano is a mess, his hair is not as perfectly done. Yura is bawling her eyes out while Alex is holding her. Tyler is tense, his face is scowling. And the woman is crying, her eyes are red and her hands are shaking.

"What happened to my girl, Evan?!" Kano asks me, crouching to me.

Yura puts a hand on his back and he turns to her. She shakes her head and his jaw clenches, he knows I can't say anything.

He helps me up and sits me on a chair. I took Azaleas's phone earlier, I know her password but I won't open her phone. I can't even think straight.

I take my own phone and I reread her message.

My angel: I love you.

My heart aches at that. She told me to check for letters, she knew that she could have died. She knew but she didn't stop. Fuck.

I shove my phone inside my pocket and I leave the hospital. Leaving a messy Kano and a crying Yura.

They don't even see me leaving, they're caught in their own world, and the same goes to me.

I make my way to Azaleas's house and I park outside. Three days ago she gave me a spare key, now I know why.

I open the door and Oliver is in front of it. He looks tired, and he opens his eyes and for the first time, he doesn't glare at me. His eyes shine with unshed tears. He knows what's going on.

I make my way to Azaleas's bedroom and I look under her pillow. Just like she said. Letters.

In total, there are eight letters. Each dedicated to someone. Me, Ali, Kano, Yura, Elena, Tyler, Alex and Aaron.

I take mine and I shove the others back down the pillow.

I open it and I start to read a letter that has somewhat drops of water.

To my one and only love, Evan.

I'm sure if you're seeing this, I'm dead. 

That makes my heart ache even more.

Well. I have much to say. I know I have a lot of time left, but it really doesn't matter when the lives of other people are disappearing slowly. I don't want to be a burden to you, love. But you'll move on from me, I'm sure you will. You can get a girlfriend. Which by the way does sting but that's just selfish of me. Carrying on. As I am writing this letter, tears are falling from my eyes, it's pathetic I know. But not seeing you again is just painful.

Why didn't you think it would be painful for me as well, Azaleas? Why?

You're handsome, you'll find a girl better than me a thousand times. You'll find the one, because I wasnt the one. I know that. I'm sorry I left, I'll love you forever, in the after life too. I'm not sure I will live. But I hope I don't, I've given up living since I was a child, so death came easy to me. I hope you give the letters to their rightful owners.

I know I'm dead now, I want you to keep going no matter how hard life gets. You'll get over me in no time, I'm sure. No matter how many obstacles life has, keep going, love.

When you almost died, I was going to die with you. It's selfish of me, but I hope you feel the same way if I die.

Thank you for letting me feel. Thank you for being the piece that was missing in my puzzle. Thank you you never judged me. Thank you for being in love with me. Thank you, a millions time.

There's a ring inside my drawer, wear it in your ring finger. It would mean the world to me. My mother gave it to me before she died and told me to give it to my love. So, I trust you with it.

I have one last request, please take care of Oliver for me.

Sayonara¹, Evan. Aishiteru.

Love, Azaleas.

My eyes fill with tears, but I don't shed them. I don't want too. I stop them before they fall. But they do anyways. My heart aches, my chest aches, everything hurts. Is this what she was feeling when I was dying? If it was I have to apologize to her. The heartbreak sure does hurt as hell.

She's not dead yet. She might be.

Fuck off.

I get back to the hospital, Oliver on a leash as he sits patiently next to me.

"Why'd you bring her dog?" Alex asks.

"None of your business." My voice comes out more harsh than I intended it to be. But I have no time to feel guilty for that part.

Oliver, doesn't glare at people surprisingly. Which makes it easier for him to stay.

The doctor gets out and i jump out of my seat to see what he would say.

"She lost a lot of blood but thankfully we can save her." He says with a smile that reaches his eyes.

I sigh a sigh of relief.

"Are you sure?" Kano's voice is tight and tense. He can crack his facade any time and he would start crying.

"No. We're not sure. She might die." He says and his smile drops.

My temporary relief is long gone.

"Please, save her." Yura pleads. Her voice wobbly and her face is dripping with tears.

"Yes, we'll try our best."

You better do.

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