Chapter 17

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I get in front of Kano's door, I take a deep breath and exhaled it. Hoping for the best and hoping that I don't get mad.

"Calm down." Evan's deep voice says in the back of my mind. Maybe imagining him comforting me is going to calm me down.

Not that i am going to do it.

I knock on the door, the first, then when I raise my hand to knock again, Bella my dad's wife, opens the door.

"Hello. Come in." She says while a disgusted expression is displayed on her face. And her tone is not welcoming at all.

I come in without telling her a word, I can worry about Kano's nagging later.

I remove my black heels and get inside the living room. Where Kano is sitting talking to someone lending me their back. The back is very familiar.

"Oh, you're here!" Dad says in a happy tone as he makes his way to greet me while the other person turns his head to my direction. And my heart drops. There he was, sitting like its his couch. Fucking Takeshi Sakuno. My father.

"Oh why hello, Azaleas." He says in a playful tone.

"Hello." I say in a cold tone, colder than the iceberg that hit the Titanic. I turn to Kano with a glare and gesture him to follow me.

I walk to the empty kitchen and he follows.

"Explain." My glare is out. But my face expression is ice cold, the intimidating one that I don't show to my dad at all.

"He insisted and he's my brother. I can't say no." He says in an apologetic tone.
"I'm sorr-"

"Save the apology, Kano." I raise a hand to cut him off. "You should've told me and you chose not too. You didn't say that he was going to be here."

I shoot a glance at the doorway, and Takeshi stood there. Probably was listening to us.

"Didn't mean to eaves-drop." He say in a cool tone. Takeshi is a six foot three black haired man with deep-brown eyes, he's big and muscular, more than my uncle.

"You can finish what you were all doing. I'm not joining." I brush my shoulder against my uncle and head to the door, Takeshi pulls my wrist and brings me back.

"Stay." He orders.

"No." I pull my wrist back and he squeezes it even more.

"I said stay. You need to celebrate after all." He says with a knowing grin.

All the ice that shattered when Evan was with me comes right back. My emotions are non-existent. I forgot to do that before I came in inside this cursed house.

"Let. Me. Go." I look at him with an ice cold glare


I'm so close to pulling my weapon and killing him.

I free my wrist from his hand and went too the door and left. I slam the door behind me and I hear it opening again, a loading gun sound behind. My reflex takes the Glock in my leg holster hiding between my thighs and turn to whoever has the gun against me.

Takeshi holding a gun at me and me holding a gun at him.

"Drop the weapon. Father." I warn.

"You're just like me." He states.

"I'm nothing like you."

He takes a step forward to me.

"I don't want to cause trouble. Drop the weapon like an adult and walk back to the house." I warn again.

"Oh daughter.. Your fate is to become like me." He listens to my warning and walked back to the house.

Fuck him. Fuck Kano. Fuck Bella. Fuck Sarah. Where's Aaron when you need him?

I put my Glock back to its place and I take a step to my car then I stopped.

If I retreat now, he'll think I'm weak. And I'm not weak. I'm stronger than he'll ever be. So face it, Azaleas. Go inside the house and spend time with them being the broken piece you've always been. Even if it means breaking you. Even if it means bringing all the rage back. Go back and show him who's strong.

I walk back my steps and enter the house with the keys I've always hidden for emergencies. I enter as if nothing happened and sat on the center couch, next to Sarah.

"You're back." Kano comments.

"Yes, I am." I nod. Where's Aaron?

"Good." I hear Takeshi say.

"Can you please put your legs away." Sarah says.

"Can you put your mouth somewhere else besides cock?" I turn to her with an apathetic look and an indifferent tone.

"Azaleas!" Kano shouts.

"Did I say something wrong?" I turn to him with a cold stare as Sarah next to me pins a glare on me while her cheeks are flushed. If my night is going to be ruined, I might as well ruin theirs.

"You-" Kano falls silent.

"I'm going to Aaron's room." I stand up and I can feel everyone's stare behind me. Too bad I don't care.

I go inside Aaron's big bedroom and I see him sitting on a chair, doing what seems to be homework.

"Azaleas?" He turns to me while a huge grin grows in his face as he sees me.

"Hey, Aaron." I try to smile, but I can't seem to do that. Aaron is eighteen, He's six foot two with black hair, deep blue pale eyes, looking like Kano alot more than Sarah.

"Come on. Get up. Let's go downstairs." I know he's scared of Takeshi, And I'm willing to protect him, treat him like my little brother.

"But, uncle Takeshi is there." He hesitates.

"I'm here now. And I'll always make sure you're safe." I reassure him. I need him now as much as he needs me.

He nods and gets up.

At least someone is on my team today.

I have work too do. And I freed time for this stupid celebration that I very much regret coming too. But I'm not about too show my emotions, not in front of these heartless people.

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