Chapter 2

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As much as I hate new people, I hate Azaleas fucking Sakuno. If I'm gonna meet her, I might as well kill myself in the process. If only our parents weren't best friends. Terrible matchmaking dad. Fucking terrible.

I hated her since childhood, many reasons as to why. First of all, she was a beautiful brunette to be completely honest. But if only her looks matched her personality, she had a terrible personality. She had a husky voice since I remember and never really talked much.

I have dinner with her, her father, my dad on Thursday. I'm fucked, and since she has really bad mood swings, I bet Kano didn't tell her about who's gonna be at dinner, cause I know damn well she would rather kiss the floor then meet me again.

I haven't seen any articles talking about her, which is weird, because she's the COO. I should do research before meeting with her.

I turn to my laptop and open it. I write her name on google, and there is nothing to see, zero articles about her, zero photos of her, zero social media. What is she? A woman from the nineties? She doesn't use the internet?

I sigh as I lead myself to a dead end, no informations about her. She doesn't come to galas too, nor the parties. I heard from my dad that she drowns in her work, just like she used to drown in her studies years ago.

I'm Evan Ravens, the COO of the company 'Ray', unlike her, I'm not sure I'll get the successor position, because for us, you need to vote for each other. My father owns the company, it's a clothing company like Deep Red.

I hear a knock on the office door, my father comes in and I see security behind him, not coming in with him. He closes the door behind him and walks forward then sits on the chair facing me to my left.

"Yes, sir?" When we're working I call him sir, not dad.

"You're going to dinner tomorrow, right?" He looks at me with eyes that are determined to drag me there, even if I say no.

"Yes. Of course." I smile forcefully. "If it's best for the company, ill do anything for it."

He smiles proudly and chuckles. "That's my boy."

"Is she still like shit?" He glares at me. "From the inside I mean. And if maybe she became ugly?"

He rolls his eyes and sighs. "From the inside, she's getting better. From the outside, uhm.." he pauses.

"She's that bad-looking that you have too pause?" I smirk.

"No. Actually the opposite, she's grown into a beautiful woman." He smiles genuinely. "Just like her mother."

I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest. "As much as I love you, I don't trust you telling me about women."

He shoots me another glare and he rises from his seat if I didn't know any better I would say he's offended.

"I'll get going." He turns his back to me and buttons his blazer.

An elegant six foot five man with pale blonde hair with hints of silver, with a big body that doesn't fit in a closet, with gray eyes that pierce through your soul. His jawline is so sharp that it could cut the hardest diamonds, his eye brows thick and wide, while his eye-lashes are stupidly majestic. Thank fuck I got his genes. I'm like the younger version of him but better. I guess that's Andre Ravens for you.

He leaves the office and he leaves me with myself and my paperwork, and fucking hell this is going to take hell of my time.

Three days later...

I pick up my father and we both makes our way to the restaurant. As much as I want to pretend I'm sick, I know my father wouldn't buy it.

We finally make it to the fancy restaurant and checked our reservation. They led us to our table --which was empty-- and we sat and waited.

"Shouldn't they at least be on time?" I turn to my father who's sitting on my right. He ignores me and pulls his phone and started playing Candy Rush, fucking old man.

I roll my eyes as I look at Kano making his way to our table, shooting me a warm smile.

Behind him is a girl, with mismatched eyes, one pale blue, and one black, like really, really black. I've never seen a black eye, but I guess there's a first time for everything. She has long silver hair, which is the second unique thing about her, her lips are big and wide, if an artist carved her, they sure as hell took their goddamn time because she looks like a fucking goddess. She's wearing a black silky dress that kisses her curves. Her physical form can bring me to my knees, fucking double D's. Kano's voice snaps me back to reality as he sits on the chair at my left. Only then I remember who we were meeting, Azaleas. I'm sure she dyed her hair and maybe those are contacts because I've never seen her like that.

Was I fucking fantasizing about Azaleas?

"How're you doing, Evan?" Kano says as Azaleas takes a seat, facing me.

"I'm very good, Uncle Kano. How are you?" I smile at him, ignoring a horny bastard in my pants. I really need to get some action.

"I'm good. You remember Azaleas, right?" It's been eight years, and she changed so fucking much, and I'm hoping her personality is just as good as her looks.

"Of course I remember Azaleas." Barely. I shoot a glance at her to see her eyes on fire, she didn't like the surprise person I suppose.

Kano turns to her with a apologetic face, and she glares at him. Making him turn to me slowly, like if he made the wrong move he would die. And if I'm going to be honest, she looks intimidating and scary. Especially since she's glaring.

The thing I noticed is that, one, she's very quiet, haven't said one word. And second, she seems distracted and in a whole new other universe.

"Azaleas, dear." Andre turns to her and her attention heads to him. "I'm happy you made time through your schedule to sit with us today." He smiles.

"Yes. I'm happy to see you again." Her tone makes it believable, I guess that makes up for the lack of expression.

She changed, physically and mentally. She's hot now, very hot. And her personality has become more cold, or maybe that's what she wants to show us.

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