Chapter 24

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What the actual fuck happened there?

Please. Can I, Angel?

Oh my fucking god. I'm blaming the voices. Fuck me.

I get out of the huge library I'll never be able to see the same and went exactly where my father left off. I needed to talk to him.

"Oh look who it is! My daughter." He said in a playful tone.

I sit next to him on the bar counter's seat.

"I'm not your daughter." I say.

"DNA wouldn't agree with you." He says sarcastically.

"Why did you come to dinner?" I get straight to the point.

"So I can see your expression, it's been a year since we last seen each other." He grinned.

"I would've liked if you kept it that way."

"Anyways, my dear daughter. I see you and Evan have a nice relationship." He states.

"Touch him and I'll kill you." I threaten. I wasn't going to let anyone. And I mean anyone touch what's mine.

He raises his hands in submission. "I would never." Then he narrowed his eyes and put his hands on his lap. "If you want to keep your little man, watch your words and actions with me." He smiled. "I don't hesitate to kill."

"I don't too. I'm not scared of you, if you touch him, even slightly, I will kill you. Mark my fucking words." I warn him before taking my purse and getting out of the club.

"Azaleas." Yura stands in front of the door of my office and came in, she sits in front me.  "Did you... Calm down?"

"I wasn't mad to begin with." I put some documents together for Lea to check.

"You just came back from the meeting with Evan and Blake, right?" She asks.

I nod in response.

"Did something happen there? You look a lot lighter than usual. And you're glowing with..." She pauses. "with invisible colors."

I narrow my eyes. "No. Nothing happened." The kiss did make me feel lighter, I'm sure if the universe gave me a chance to do it again, I wouldn't hesitate.

"Are you sure?" She says suspiciously, she's my best friend, she knows when I lie. But not today, I'm not ready to talk about that explosive-ass kiss.

"Yes. I am."

"Well if you say so. There's news about Iron."

I was so hung up over the kiss I forgot my work, maybe I'll reconsider kissing him again.

"We can talk on the phone, my schedule this week is packed." I check the stock market.

"We found their hide out."

I turn my head to her and she's grinning, now that caught my attention.

"Prepare for the worst, we're going." I stand up and took my phone with me, ill go home and get myself ready.

"That's the energy." She says with a smile and we both get out of my office.

"Olivia." I come inside her office.

"Yes?" She looks up from her computer.

"Complete my work for me, don't touch the computer though." I say and she gets excited, it's the first time since I wounded my knuckles that I would let her in my office, because it wasn't her that installed that virus there.

Yura goes before me as I wrap up and take my motorcycle, a Kawasaki Ninja 400. Then a call interrupts me. The caller is.. Evan.

"Hello?" I pick up in the speed of light.

"Oh- hey. I was wondering if you're free right now?" He asks.

"No. I'm not. We found Iron's hideout." I trust him enough to tell him about it.

"I want to go too." He says as I start my bike and get on top.

"Its too dangerous."

"No. I insist."

I will probably not win this fight, I might as well give in.

"Fine. I'll pick you up." I wouldn't send him the location, I need him to know the plan I've set in my mind. I already sent the details to Tyler, Alex and Yura.

"I'll send you my address." He says as he hung up.

Am I really doing this? Yep. You are.

He insisted on driving the motorcycle and using me as a backpack, I didn't say no because it gave me the chance to touch him. Am I obsessed? Yes. Do i hate it? No.

These new feelings are a disaster to be completely honest. And I don't seem to care if they are.

We finally get there where I put my motorcycle farther away from the hideout, we were in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees. Besides that, there's a huge house there.

I check my surroundings, my team is here, most of the organization is here. Even Tyler and Alex who know how to fight, but really, they just cower to do so.

Yura rushes to me with Tyler and Alex behind her.

"What is he doing here?" She asks without sparing him a glance.

"He's here to help." I answer simply.

"We never agreed on bringing him."

"He is right here." He says in a cold tone that send shivers down my spine. Fuck I don't need to be horny right now.

"I don't think we need to agree on my decisions." I glare at the three and they avoid my eyes.

"I'm going in first." I say as i install all the things I need on my body, my favorite dagger, my leg holsters, the strap around my waist holding all my torturing weapons.

"I'm going with you." He says.

"No you're not." I walk over to the house.

"Yes, I am." He follows me from behind. "You're still wearing those rings?" He asks.

"Oh." I look at my hand, one ring on my pointer finger, the other in my ring finger. My mother gave me them before she died saying I'd find my love and give them the one on my index. "I am."

He doesn't know why I am wearing them. But he'll know soon when he'll be wearing one.

Because I'm planning to make him mine. No matter the cost, no matter what it takes. If he doesn't want too, ill make him. Because if I can feel this emotion made by him, Ill keep him. This feeling is the best one I've ever felts, it's warm, affectionate, secure and most of all, he makes me feel safe. More than anyone.

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