Chapter 12

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"Evan. Let it go." The urge to curse at him is so fucking big.

"But you think I'm handsome! You said it yourself!" He says with a huge grin.

"I did not." I do think he's handsome, drop dead gorgeous, but he doesn't need to know it.


"Did not."

"Did not."

"Did." His mind-game worked and he burst out laughing. "You're so childish." I roll my eyes and crossed my arms.

His phone starts ringing. "Excuse me." He says as he gets up to get the call. And my gut is wanting me to tell him to sit back down and stay with me. But I do not trust my gut. It's illogical and unconscious of thinking.

He responds to the call and his face was shocked. "He's dead?" Is all I heard. Who died?

He hung up the call and put the phone back inside his pocket then sat back down beside me.

"Who died?" I ask.

"Little eaves-dropper aren't ya?" He chuckles and I have the urge to punch him, again. "Someone working with me from Russia died, he was tortured in a very... Interesting way." He seemed intrigued.

And then it hit me, Evan is a mafia leader, someone from a mafia and Russian, tortured then died.

"What's his name?" I ask again.

"Sergey Kuznetsov." My instinct is always right.

I keep my gaze on my cup. "I might've or might have not killed someone with the same name.." I say while scratching my neck.

"Oh." He still didn't comprehend. "Oh." He finally realized what I said.

"He bought girls from some sex traffickers and I just saved them.. then tortured him." Even if he didn't have informations I would've tortured him, for the thrill and satisfaction of course.

"Psychopath." He smirks, he looks impressed, which surprises me because he was working with him.

"I get that alot."

"Well since I have to deal with that. I have to go."

"Also. I think you're ugly, not handsome." I turn my head to the other direction, not wanting to see the laugh on his face.

"If you say so." He stands up and walks to the door, I turn my head to his direction.

He pauses in front of the door and turns to me. "I admired your work. This one and.. that one also." He smiles genuinely and I can feel my heart skip a beat, am I having a stroke? Or is it his smile?

"Thank you." I bow my head slightly.

"Doesn't mean I don't hate you." He grins and gets out. And I only want to tell him to stay, I called him for coffee because of the same reason. If I want something, I'll get it no matter the challenge.

He changed. Alot. He became wiser, calmer, and more handsome than he ever was, he also became... Kinder and nicer, he's also sometimes funny.. and that makes my heart soften, the heart I put a huge chain on it and made myself surpress emotions as much as possible. I lose control over that when im with him. And I can't say I don't like that feeling.

My heart is supposed to be cold as ice, it's supposed to never like anyone, it's supposed to kill, and I hate that he lives rent-free inside my head. But I can't help but like the new emotion in the same time.

Even with the piece you have left?

Of course father infiltrating my goddamn thoughts is a must.

A knock on the door makes wants to hold my gun but then I remember I'm in the office.

"Come in." I say as Olivia comes in and closes the door and sits next to me quickly.

"Who was that hot man?" She asks, now im tasting something bitter in my throat.

"Evan Ravens. My childhood enemy, but also the COO of Ray, the company we're doing a partnership with." I explain.

"I should've got his number, I'm sure he's an animal in bed. It's always the innocent looking ones." Really? What would he be like in bed? Gentle? I never had sex and I don't know my preferences. But if anything, I like things rough.

"Oh god. Stop it." I turn to her and she immediately shuts down.

Then she looks up again. "Come on. Please just his phone number?" She begs.

I should give it to her, I should. But I don't want too. I have his phone number in case of an emergency at work. "I do not have the consent to give his number to you, Olivia."

She sighs. "Fine." She gets out of the office.

He's not mine. I should remember that. I could've gave her his number and moved on. I could've get them both a great time. But imagining them together... Makes my heart drop, and I don't like that feeling.

Lea is very dear to me, but if I start feeling like that just by the thoughts of them together, or even having sex, makes my brain hurt and my heart ache.

I get up from the couch, and got straight to my computer. There's something wrong with the desk. Wait a minute.

I look over the desk, it seems like someone looked around it and snooped. Aside from that, my computer. It seems... Weird.

Olivia wouldn't do anything right? I'm sure. I trust her.

"It's always those closest to you" My real father's voice crosses my mind.

Shut the fuck up. Shut up. Shut up. I don't need your advice. I don't need you. I hate you. I hate you.

I look through my computer and it seems like a virus came into it. An information tracking virus. The only ones allowed to my office are Olivia and Kano. I know it's not Olivia. She would never do this.

Anger washes over me and I smash the computer screen, my hand goes through it immediately.

"When you get mad do something else than hurting yourself." Evan's deep voice says in my mind.

I look at my hand, the knuckles bruised and crimson filled my hand. I should feel pain. But I only feel anger and rage.

You're just like your father.

"I'm not." I say in a low tone as I grab a bandage and wrap it around my hand. I'm nothing like my father.

I should also get a new computer. And I will not let anyone come inside my office again. Not in a million years.

I need to calm down, then think. Deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. It's not working. I need someone. Someone who calms me down.

I look at my phone and scroll down my contacts. I can't believe I'm doing this...

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