Chapter 50

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Yura and Alex make their way directly to the basement when I open the door for them. They seem serious and tense. They're not going easy on mother for sure.

I don't blame them.

I sit on the couch and Oliver joins me. I should visit Leo and Mimi later and bring Oliver with me too.

There's no sound coming from the basement. It's either that she's cooperating, or Azaleas made the basement sound proof for torture. I wonder if her father died there.

I flip the emerald ring on my ring finger from side to side, trying to get something to distract me from my pain.

My phone starts ringing and it's my father who's calling. "Any news?" I ask.

"She's-" he pauses and sighs. "She's in a coma." He manages.

"What-" my hands start shaking. "Will she wake up?" I ask.

"They don't know."

They don't know. My father's words echo through my mind.

"Okay." I manage without my voice breaking. I hang up on him and my hand clenches. I need to sleep but I can't sleep with her dying. I just can't.

It's been 3 hours and 20 minutes since Azaleas got to the hospital. Ironic how everything can go wrong in less than hours.

Yura and Alex get out of the basement, looking a bit tired, the latter has blood on his hands while Yura looks sick.

She walks up to me while fidgeting with her hands. "I'm sorry, Evan." She says, and I know what to get from that. "If you don't want to help us anymore, I totally understa-"

"I'll send my men to help free the victims." I say in a sharp tone and she shuts up. That's exactly what I need, silence.

"We'll be getting the body out of the house. Azaleas never liked the bodies to rot in the basement." Alex says as he puts some gloves on and Yura goes inside the kitchen. Her whole body is trembling. I know she's scared for Azaleas.

Alex's words are nothing to me. I don't care if she's dead.

"If someone asks where your mother is, you say you don't know." Alex adds.

"I know how it works, Alex." I take my keys and shove them inside my pocket. Once they're gone, I'm going to my house to pick up some things. I'll take care of the house like it's my own. I'll take care of her cars, I'll take care of her dog if it means bringing her back.

They get the body out and the two left the house. I leave after them by a solid 15 minutes and I lock the door.

I drive to my house and I take some of my luggage with me. I take my two cats and I take food. No matter how much Oliver hates cats, I love them.

I drive back to Azaleas's house and I unlock the door. I let out Mimi and Leo and they start looking around the house.

Oliver pays no mind to them and kept laying on the sofa. He's worried his owner is going to die. I'm worried my lover is going to die, I'm worried to death.

I make my way to her bedroom and I try to sleep there, I know it won't work. But I'm going to try anyways.

Keep going, love. Azaleas's voice whispers in my ear, gentle and warm. I want to keep hearing that through out my life, Azaleas. How did you now understand that? Why did you think I love you less than you loved me?

In the end. I slept a total of 30 minutes. It's been 9 hours and 13 minutes since Azaleas was in the operating room.

My phone starts ringing and it's my father, I answer like any other son would.

"Come to work, it's an emergency." He says and he hangs up. I can't care less about work right now. But I have to keep going just like she said. Even if it means I have to drown myself in work.

I take my car keys and I put on one of the suits I brought with me. I put food for Oliver and Mimi and Leo before finally getting out of the house.

I check my phone for news, it's full of them.

Ray and Deep Red's partnership led to Azaleas Sakuno's death.

Oh fuck no. I'm so going to kill New York New. I'm going to step on it like a bug.

I arrive to the office and I see Sarah, a brunette with blue eyes just like Kano. That's all I can describe, because the only thing I'm seeing anywhere I'm going, is Azaleas. Only her.

Andre leads me to sit next to Sarah, which by the way, I hate her because of what I've heard from Azaleas.

Kano clears his throat and starts talking. "Unfortunately, Mrs.Azaleas won't be here attending because of... Her coma." His voice is tight, he's sweating and his hands are shaking. "And for the time being, Sarah Sakuno will be replacing her as COO." He sighs.

Excuse me? Is what I want to say, I can't possibly work with her. Then again, I need to keep my professionalism. Even though my mood isn't so professional.

They can't blame me, Azaleas is dying. Literally.

"I hope I'll be as useful as my dear sister." She says with a huge smile.

Dear sister my ass.

"Moving on to the main point. We need to clear up the fake news on New York News." Kano moves on.

"They always find new excuses to ruin businesses." A guy on the other side of the table says. Completely unbothered.

"I'm so sorry I'm late! I checked up on Azaleas." Olivia makes her way to her seat. She's Azaleas's secretary. A tall black haired girl with deep brown eyes, she's beautiful in a way. But not as beautiful as my Azaleas.

"I'm going to clean up this mess." I say, trying to end the meeting as fast as possible.

"I'll join him!" Sarah says, joy jumping out of her tone.

"Great. You guys can work it out." Kano says with a smile. How can he even smile when his daughter is on her death bed.

"I look forward to working with you, Mr.Ravens." she says in a seductive tone. I do not look forward to working with her at all.

Sorry, Sarah. My heart belongs to Azaleas and only Azaleas.

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