Chapter 15

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I already finished my business with the first five, they told me all I need to know, now I'll watch how Evan dealt with this, because if there was anything I wanted to do the whole time, it was watch him.

He had only one person left, the other's expression were left horrified, which is the same as the five, waiting for their deaths, I haven't tortured one of them. Yet.

"So do you plan on telling me, or should I use another solution." He points over the weapons on the ground, and the man he's talking too shakes his head immediately. "Good. Talk." His authoritative voice is sexy, especially with his deep voice. I wonder if he would order me like that in the bedro- Not going there.

I listen to the information well. And I'm glad they're cooperating, because it leaves me the trouble. I'm saving the melody until we finish.

"That's all?" Evan's voice sends shivers down my spine.

"Yes!! I swear I'm telling the truth!!" He screams.

"Seems like we're done here." Evan rises from the floor.

"Not even close."

"What?" He cocks his head as I bend over and pick up all my weapons.

I can feel his gaze on my back, is he attracted to me? No you stupid fuck, he's not.

"Which one should I start with?" I ask him as I stand infront of all those ten frustrated men.

He points at the one who wasn't very cooperative at first.

"Alright! Do you want to watch or do you want to join in the fun."

"I'll watch as you finish your first prey, then I'll join." He says with a smirk, I wonder what he's thinking.

I pick up my mini knife and I stab it on the man's thigh, missing his dick by inches. I did it on purpose to be honest.

The man screams in pain, and that only adds into my wide smile, showing my teeth. This type of my smiles, don't show unless it's torturing.

I then cut his hand by my dagger, and he shouts more, I stab his chest more times than I could count. I then stab his eyeballs one by one.

I slice the man's throat bit by bit, making his feel every ounce of pain those children felt. And fucking hell they felt more than that, they were scared, terrified and horrified.

The man dies, and I pass to the other as Evan finally joins me in cutting them to pieces and making them feel every ounce of pain.

"What about your celebration with Kano?" Evan asks as he tortures a man, the warehouse only filled with painful screams that sound like my favorite song, Government Hooker by Lady Gaga. I like it because of her bodyguard's voice, maybe that shows why I'm attracted to Evan's deep voice.

I frown in response of his question. "He can wait, he didn't give me a specific time to go." Unless he sent me a message. Which he probably did.

I hate his family dinners, I hate his family to be exact. But I'm the one who's just a flaw in their life. The one thing they never expected. If it weren't for Kano, I would've killed them a long time ago.

"Good luck with him. He likes people with punctuality." He shoots the guy's brains' out and he moves on to another horrified man.

"I know that. I'm always on time, but when it's something like family dinner, I'd be late for an hour. On purpose." I say as I back away, leaving him do the honors. As much as I enjoy torturing, I started to enjoy Evan torturing people more.

He looks over at me as he watches my gaze on him. "My hands are tired." I lie.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you're enjoying me torturing these people." He says as he shots another one. I mean he's right, but I'll never admit it.

My phone rings and it's Kano. I pick up the phone and Evan looks at me in confusion. I show him the contact and he nodded. The men were screaming, but that isn't a problem.

"Put him on speaker, I wanna hear his reaction." Evan says as he pulls his full attention to me and my phone.

I pick up the phone and put it on speaker just like he asked.


"God, Azaleas. We've been through this!"

"You decided to call on a bad time, it's not my fault." I let a small smile let loose at Evan as he tries to hold laugh.

"You saw my call and you didn't get away from the screaming. You're doing it on purpose."

"I would never."

"Oh my god." I hear him mumble. "Just.. come here at 8PM sharp." He sighs.

"Sure thing, daddy dearest." I say in a sarcastic tone. Imitating Sarah when she asks him for money instead of working.

"Stop doing that."

"I'll never stop after what she did. Even if she is you're daughter. I'll see you later." I hang up the call.

Evan let out a laugh as he continued what he was doing earlier, and my attention goes back to him.

"You hate her that much?" He asks. "She was nice last time I saw her. She was nicer than you. I mean everyone was nicer than you." He comments.

I roll my eyes at his statement, then I realized he used past tense. "You think... I'm nice, now?" I tilt my head and he twitches.

"You're the fucking devil!" One of the men left says and Evan immediately shoots him without breaking eye-contact with me, the bullet going smoothly inside his brains, my mouth curls up at his aim.

"I mean... All of this" he gestures to the warehouse. "You're saving children and women, that's not only nice, that's angelic."

Angelic? Angelic? I've lived my whole life being called a demon, a devil, lucifer. This was the first time someone called me angelic. My heart warms and all the ice I've built around it melts immediately.

"Don't get used to getting compliments from me." He chuckles as he continued.

God I want to hear more about what he thinks. But I don't need too.
Or I hope I don't.

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