Chapter 20

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You've calmed down..." Kano comments.

"I was never mad to calm down in the first place." I give him the intimidating look I give to everyone, from now on, he's going to receive the same treatment as everyone in the company.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think it would make you upset if I brought him." He says in his apologetic tone.

"No. I didn't get upset." I will not admit it.

"Well..." He seems awkward, which isn't a first. "Daijobu?" He asks in Japanese.

"Hai." I answer. "Daijobu Desu"

"Take the rest of the day off."

"No, I still have to deal with the new product. Then I have to go to the 'TWISTED' club with Evan to meet Blake Elisson."

"You seem to get along very well with Evan."

Yes, because he called me angelic.

"Don't get it twisted, I still dislike him."

"Sure. You calmed down after he went to your office. I wonder what happened." He says with a grin.

"Ew. No, it's not what you think." Though it would've been better. No it wouldn't. "He had nothing to do with my change of mood." He had everything to do with it.

"Whatever you say."

I get out of his office and walk to my own office. I need to call Evan and talk to him about the meeting with Blake Elisson, one of our investors.

I pull up my phone as I enter the office and closed the door behind me.

"Hey, Angel." He answers on the fifth ring. Angel? Where did that come from?

"Don't call me that." I sigh as I can see him grinning on the other side of the phone. "We have a meeting in the Twisted club at 1PM with Blake Elisson, remember?"

"Yes." I hear a gunshot in the background.

"Where are you?" I ask. Concern fills my chest.

Another gunshot. "Nowhere important. Just doing my daily routine." As in killing?

I put him on speaker and see where he's at. It's hard to admit that I placed a tracker on him, but I did it anyways. He's in a mansion, somewhere in the woods.

"You're killing people?" I ask, hoping it's not what I think it is.

"Well.. I'm killing some people that stole from me." Fair enough.

"Don't be late." A sigh of relief gets stuck in my throat.

"I'll be there." Another gunshot.

I hang up the call and smirk at my phone. Now I'm sure I am a psychopath because I really place a tracker on him, at least now I know everywhere he goes. Maybe liking someone in my teenage years would've been a problem. Did you just admit to liking him? Yes, I did. I'm not sure he's going to like me back. As much as I hated the way he talked behind my back, that was the past. And I don't do grudges.

Even if he doesn't like me back, ill make him. No matter the cost. Even if it costs me being a happy social butterfly. Yes, Love is foolish and makes you stupid. but I'm not there, and I'm not planning to go there. Hopefully.

"Hello, Mr.Elisson." I hate this motherfucker. But I'm good at hiding my hate towards someone.

He stands up from his seat and holds out a hand for me to shake, I look at his hand and look back at him, he puts it back to his pocket as he notices my look.

"Hello, Mrs.Sakuno. Where is Mr.Ravens?" He asks as he pulls a chair for me to sit on, I sit and he does the same.

"He's running a bit late. I'm sure he'll make it." I assure him. I pull out my phone to check where he is, he's inside the building. I put my phone back to my purse.

"So... May I call you Azaleas?" He asks, his eyes looking over at my body, it's my first time meeting with this certain investor. For fuck's sake.

The urge to say no is so big, this asshole is a huge pervert-

"I don't think you can." An ice cold deep voice says from behind me, I turn around to see it's Evan, his face as cold as the ocean.

It takes me seconds to realize what he said. Did he just get overprotective over me? No. He hates you, remember?

"You may call me Mrs.Sakuno." I answer by myself this time and Elisson nods, his face cowers underneath Evan's stare.

"I apologize for my tardiness." Formal ass guy. I hide my chuckle deep inside my throat.

"Take a seat, Mr.Raven." Blake says with a sheepish smile.

Evan takes a seat on my right.

"I'm going to go and order drinks, what do you guys want?" Blake tried to run away from the tension in the air.

"Water is fine." I don't drink alcohol, it's disgusting to see what it does to people.

"Red wine." Typical Evan.

"Okay." Blake stands up and went to the other side of the club.

"That was rude earlier." I state.

"What was?" He says, looking dumbfounded.

"When he asked if he could call me by my first name."

"Not everyone can call you by your first name, Angel." My heart does a twist when he says the word Angel. "You were going to say no anyways." He shrugs.

"Told you to stop calling me that."

"It goes with your personality, so I will call you that. And since it annoys you, it gives me more passion to call you that."

I'm complaining in words, but I sure as hell enjoy it.

"Are you a light weight?" He asks.

"No. I just don't like alcohol." I answer.

"Fair enough." God, he looks so good, I couldn't analyze him earlier since I was lost in my mind.

He's wearing a black Armani suit, his pale blond hair held back perfectly, though I prefer it let down, he looks brutally handsome and manly with his hair held back like that. His gray eyes are more light with his hair not covering his forehead, while his full lips look so goddamn kissable, his cheekbones standing up while his jaw can cut rough rocks.

I didn't really mean to save my first kiss and my first time, I was drowning in work and study that I didn't care about the men surrounding me. If I want to give it up right now. I would do so for the man on my right.

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