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Everyone had split off to get cleaned up.

Cassie was showing Jinx a room she could use.

Jinx smirked, "Being a monsters not so bad you know. Not when you protect the ones you love like that."

"I... Roy's right, I am a monster. You've always seen that about me. And everytime this happens... I'm reminded why I belong in the Cave and not out there," Cassie hands Jinx some clothes. "I'm happy you're back and okay. And your help tonight was needed, thank you. You need anything else?"

She shook her head, and placed a hand on hers. "You're not a monster Cassie. Beautifully terrifying, but not a monster."

Cassie gave her a tight smile, "I'll come check on you soon."

Dick slides his pants on and looks over at Cassie who was finishing up drying her hair. He pauses, "Hey, are you okay?"

She gives him a smile, "Of course I am." She quickly braids her hair back. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You... it's okay to not be okay. I saw the way he looked at you. I'm just worried," Dick walked over to her.

Cassie blinked, "His fear was his alone. I did what anyone would have. We've been through a lot worse."

"As a group yes, but this wasn't a group thing. This was... this was just you."

She looked at him, "It wasn't just me. I would have never been able to do this alone. You know that."

"Maybe," he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I love you."

She gave him a small smile, "I love you too."

"I'm going to make a bit batch of hot chocolate for everyone," Dick gave her a sweet kiss. "Or maybe just for us."

Cassie chuckled, "I'll let them know on my rounds."

Cassie knocked on the door, and it opened quickly. She was met with a grinning Tim.

She smiled back and leaned against the door frame, "You did good tonight. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you," Tim bounced a little. "I held my own the whole time. Progress."

"You make a wonderful Robin, Tim. But are you doing okay? Any injuries you need help with?" She asked, her face full of concern.

He shook his head, "Nope. Just some bruises and a few cuts. Nothing major."

She nodded, "Gray is making hot chocolate if you'd like to join us for some?"

Tim nodded, "Cassie?"

"Mmhmm?" She looked at him. 

"You didn't cross a line tonight. Kane moved the line, you didn't cross it. What you did- the information you had access to, your line wasn't crossed." He shrugged, "I just wanted you to hear that."

She smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead, "Thank you, Tim."

"I mean it, Cassie. People are alive because of you. Millions. Don't let Kane think your morals are corrupt because you found everything out about him. You'd never use that information for power, you only help people."

She pulled him into a hug, "My wise one."

Tim gratefully returned the hug, holding onto her tight.

Rachel hugs Cassie tighter, "Hot chocolate sounds great."

Cassie pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Your magics improved immensely. I'm proud of you and all the work you're doing."

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