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Dick barges in, "Kory, what are you..."

Gar screams as he's thrown against the wall, slamming into Dick. Rachel yelps.

Donna walks in and lassos Kory around the neck, "Stop."

Cassie rushes to make sure the boys were both still breathing while doing her best to stay out of Donna's way. Kory yanks on it trying to get free, and Donna rolls, getting a tighter grip before throwing Kory across the room. Rachel yells as her mom holds her close. Donna stands as she sees Kory knocked out on the ground. Gar and Dick are groaning on the ground, Cassie doing her best to keep objects from flying towards them. Rachel starts crying.

"You alright?" Dick looks to Gar.

Gar gasps, "Yeah."

"It's going to be ok Rachel," Angela whispers to Rachel as the two stand up.

Gar says as Dick and Cassie help him up, "Nice catch."

"What happened?"

Angela points to Kory, "She tried to kill my daughter."


"I was trying to help Kory get her memory back," Rachel still has her hand near her throat in shock. They both look over at Kory. "I must have done something wrong."

Angela gently grabs her daughter's shoulders, "No. None of this is your fault."

"The lasso. You're her, aren't you?" Gar looks at Donna as she rerolls her lasso.

"I'm an old friend of Dick and Cassie's."

"You're Wonder Girl."

"I was," Donna fully looks at Gar.

Kory groans as she starts to wake and fully sits up, "What's going on?"

"You tried to kill Rachel," Dick looks at her.

Kory stands up, "What? No, I would never do that."

"I want this woman out of my house," Angela demands.

 "Okay, just hold on a sec-"

"Now, god damn it."

"Rachel, I am so..." Kory stops as Rachel backs up and Angela steps in front. "I am so sorry." They all hesitate as Kory still tries to piece things together. "I have to go." She walks out of the house.

Dick calls after her, "Kory, wait."

Rachel starts sobbing.

"It'll be ok Rach, we'll figure out what's wrong with Kory," Cassie gently places her hand on Rachel's arm, when she sees the teen nod she follows after Dick, Donna right behind her.

They see Kory getting into the car.

"Hey, Kory! Hey!" he calls after her. Dick realizes who's behind him, "We have to follow her."

Donna pulls out one of her tracking stars and hits the truck, then pulls out her phone and it shows where Kory is heading.

"What? You're not the only one with cool gadgets." She turns and gets into her Jeep, "I'll drive." Dick follows, Cassie jumping into the backseat pulling out her laptop, trying to figure out where Kory could be going.

"She's about a mile ahead of us."

"Stay out of sight. Where the hell is she going?" Dick says after glancing at the phone again.

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