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Cassie's fingers hitting the keys echo out as everyone stays silent.

Tim motions for the door, miming that he could pick it.

Donna looks over at Cassie and Dick, she sees their ankles touching under the table. She holds her hand out to the group.

They all get closer to her.

She whispers as quietly as she can, mouthing most of her words, "They have a plan. This was on purpose."

"How could this possibly have been on purpose?" Roy whispered, his arms crossed.

"Just wait for the signal. We aren't the ones who are trapped."

"Your hours up," The Voice moves the gun to point it at Dick. He cleared out the Court members, only Talons remained surrounding them. He wanted full control over the information he was about to gain. 

"Wait, wait." Cassie stands up, her hand on the laptop, her other out to stop him, "I have the information you need."

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