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Dick's phone rings, he shakes his head, "Can we not have a movie night without someone interrupting?"

Cassie laughed and leaned forward grabbing his phone off of the coffee table as he paused the movie, "Uh oh. What'd you do now." She handed it to him, seeing Bruce's contact.

"He wants something," Dick sighed and took it.

She grinned and leaned back against him, "Well duh, answer it. He'll keep calling until you do."

"I know." Dick answered the call and put it on speaker, "Hey Bruce."

"Dick, hello. I-" Bruce sighed over the phone. "I have to leave Gotham. There's been some information that I have to attend to."

Cassie's brows furrowed.

Dick shared a look with her, "Ok? Bruce is everything alright?"

"Gotham is going to be overrun with League members and I'm hoping my time away will ease their presence but I do not want to leave Tim and Jason on their own handling them."

Cassie kept quiet and let her head fall backward.

Dick closed his eyes, "You want us to come to Gotham."

"I wouldn't be calling if it wasn't dire," Bruce said.

Dick opened his eyes and leaned his head against Cassie's, "Does this information you learned have to do with the Leauge? Or maybe Talia?"

Bruce was silent for a moment. "I'm leaving to meet my son. His name is Damien. Talia has been raising him and thought now would be a good time to tell me about him, and I'm leaving to meet him."

Both Cassie's and Dick's eyes got wide and they looked at each other. 

"Wait, son? How old is he?" Dick asked.

Bruce answered, "I'm not sure. I'd like to bring him to Gotham if Talia allows it."

Dick nods, "A kid, okay then. Well I hope it goes well. I'll let you know when we land in Gotham. I know Cass will be happy to see the boys."

"Do take care in Gotham, the city hasn't quite recovered." Bruce ended the call.

Dick set down his phone and sighed.

Cassie tapped Dick's arm, "Damien. Robin number four."

Dick started chuckling. Cassie laughed a little as well.

"With Talia Al Ghul," Dick pulled her closer. "Man."

"Oh Bruce's DNA plus Talia's? That is going to be some kid," Cassie shook her head. "I can't wait to meet him."

Dick brushed a piece of hair out of her face, "Are you okay with going back to Gotham?"

She pulled him into a deep kiss. She broke it and leaned her forehead against his, "You'll be there with me, so yes. My nightmares can't get any worse at this point. And besides we were bound to do one of our big dinners in Gotham instead of Metropolis eventually. It went well with Jason coming the past few times, so I think it'll be great to do it there."

Dick kissed her again, "We aren't staying in Gotham. But while we're there we could finish going through the stuff from your parent's storage unit? I thought I saw some more files in there we could maybe watch."

Cassie grinned and nodded, "I'd love to see if Mom had any cute date night dresses that could fit me that Dad kept. Maybe even send them to Lily for some additions."

"Mmm," Dick kissed her. "I love seeing you in dresses."

"Oh yeah?" She smirked, "I thought you preferred me naked?"

Dick pulled her closer, "That too."

She laughed and wrapped her arms around him.

Ra's stood over three bodies of undead creatures, with claws on their fingers. "How many more of these are there?"

"It is unknown how many, but we have determined that they are made, not born," Talia stood next to him. "Previously deceased humans, raised again using an unusual chemical, very similar to a Lazarus Pit's composition." 

"They are using the by-product of a Lazarus to make these- things," Ra's spat.

Talia nodded, "We are tracking them down as we speak."

"If Gotham must burn to find them, burn it. Find them," Ra's growled.

Talia gave a small bow of her head and left the room.

Bruce stood at the base of a private jet, his bags just placed inside. Tim and Jason stood before it.

Tim nervously messed with his bright red jacket. Jason stood with his arms crossed.

"Everything is here that you'll need. I trust you both can take care of Gotham? Tim, I know it's your first time being left to take care of the city without me, but you have made a lot of progress as Robin, trust your instincts. And Jason here knows the city, you both will do just fine," Bruce looked at them.

Tim asked, "How long will you be gone?"

"I..." Bruce sighed, "I don't know."

Jason rolled his eyes.

"But I know the League isn't leaving, so I've called in some help," Bruce looked at Jason.

Jason uncrossed his arms and scoffed, "Why did you call them? We already have help from Babs."

"It's not because I think you two cannot handle the League and protect the city, because I know you can. It's just a precaution," Bruce held his hand out. "And Barbara can only do so much."

Tim grinned, "When do they get in?"

"Should be sometime today. I'd stay to greet them but I have to get going," Bruce said.

"Whatever," Jason crossed his arms. "We're just going to pretend you didn't call the babysitter on us."

Tim chuckled, "I'm telling Cassie you said that."

"She knows I'm talking about Dick."

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