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Bernard explains, "They're just crash pads, sensors that connect to the VR simulator. They're just gonna make sparring with your opponents a little more... realistic."

"Meaning I'll feel the hits," Tim said.

Conner crossed his arms, "Seriously? You're scared of a little pain?"

"I'm not scared."

Conner chuckles, "Yeah, you are. You're heart traits 174... oh 178."

Cassie quietly chuckles.


Bernard steps in, "Tim, relax. Conner stop looking inside of people."

"He's no help to the team if he can't suck it up."

"Hey, don't put your shit on me. You're the one that freaked out about not taking down that witch."

"Boys!" Cassie shouted.

Bernard spoke up, "There was a break-in at the MPD evidence warehouse. And two people are dead."

"What got stolen?" Tim asked as Conner came over to look at the tablet.

"Forty gallons of blood."

Cassie's finger started to burn, making her glance down at it. She remembered the night before and the drop of blood on her finger from the knife. She furrowed her brows as the pain disappeared.

She also noticed a message from Dick telling her about what happened with Jinx and his plan to find her.

She sent him a message not to open the box, as you never know what kinda spell may be on it.

Tim was back in the simulation, grunting as he fought against nonexistent enemies.

"His stance is better, too rigid though," Cassie observed Tim.

Tim groaned out in pain, and fell to the ground.

"And there he goes."

Tim pants, "You're watching me, aren't you?"

Cassie smirked at Bernard.

"No. Just monitoring your stats."

Tim stands back up, "I look like an idiot."

"You should see me doing lateral lunges. I look like a demented hermit crab."

Cassie laughed, "It's true he does. Take the headset off, we'll go over a few more motions." Tim took the headset off and set it down.

Cassie picked up a spare staff and twirled it around before standing in front of Tim.

"Hey, Bernard," Conner said. "Can you come look at this for a minute?"

Bernard set down his tablet as Cassie would do a motion, and Tim would copy it.

"I've been reviewing these stills from the CCTV footage of the slaughterhouse."

"It's some kind of occult symbol."

"That's what I thought, too. But I've run it through every occult database that Cassie has, no hits."

"I mean, if you're murdering people for their blood, who's to say what kind of wall art piques your fancy?"

"Hmm. These lines. Too deliberate." He points at the screen, "The word occult means hidden. The lead we're looking for might be hiding in plain sight. So if I run a search for corporate logos, social media avatars, recent discord posts, within the last 30 days..." Conner starts typing.

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