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Gotham City

Fifteen years ago

The priest recites, "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. And He will welcome them into the Kingdom of Heaven." They are at John and Mary Grayson's graves. "Where they will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Let us pray." Dick is holding a white rose in one hand, Cassie is holding his other hand, a rose in her other as well. "Oh, God, who did instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same spirit to be truly wise," a tall man placed a hand on Dick's shoulder. "And ever to rejoice in his consolation, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen." A shorter man walks up first and places a rose on the graves, others follow after. Dick is the last one to put a rose down. He looks up at the taller man who nods to him, he places the rose down, not letting go of Cassie's hand.

Clay and Dick sit down to talk, Cassie walks away to give them some privacy. She walks down to her own parent's graves. Her father's funeral was a few hours before the Grayson's. James Astor's grave also had white roses placed upon it, but his also had a single yellow rose, and so did Isabel Astor's. Yellow roses typically meant friendship but they were her mother's favorite flower. Her dad always told Cassie that friendship was the best way to fall in love because that's how he and Isabel fell in love. Cassie has heard all of the stories about the two of them being best friends long before dating, and eventually getting married, and having her. So it was only fitting that every year on her death day, Cassie's birthday, the two would visit her grave and place yellow roses, now Cassie was going to continue doing so, but for both of her parents, and twice a year.

Chicago, Illinois

Jason commented while dragging the man, "Man, dude looks dead. Cassie, how hard did you hit him?"


"Trust me. There's a difference between dead and knocked out," Dick pulled them in the direction of the car.

Jason smiled, "This is awesome! Robin and Robin, in action."

"Who the hell are you?"

"Jason Todd. The new Robin. Robin 2.0, right?" Jason grunts and Dick and him drop Adamson. "Hey, seriously, man, it's an honor to meet you." Jason holds his fist out to Dick.

Cassie gently smiles at the two.

Dick sighs and gives him a fist bump, then opened the trunk of a car.

"Yep. I always wondered what this moment was gonna be like, never thought that when it happened I'd be saving your life."

Dick glanced at Cassie, "So, there's a new Robin, eh?"

"Yours truly. In the flesh."

Dick grunts finally shoving Adamson into the car, "Does Batman know you're here?"

"Of course. Bruce knows how badly I've always wanted to meet you. Pick your brain, catch a couple of pointers, he's all, 'Go for it, bro.' Hey, let me go grab my clothes. I'll be right back."

Dick sighs, closing the door, before giving Cassie a look.

"Hey, I didn't know he was going to be the new Robin. I didn't even know Bruce wanted to replace you."

"But you knew who he was."

"Because I meet him several months ago when Bruce was just beginning his training, Bruce didn't tell me his plan, just that he was training someone new. I thought it was a good idea, I wouldn't have gone along with the idea of Robin 2.0." Dick sighed nodding. "I know you like to think differently but Bruce doesn't tell me a lot of things either."

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