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Cassie is in the kitchen prepping the dinner she planned on making that night. Gar, Rachel, and Jason were all playing video games on her large living room tv.

Dick leans against the counter, "How did you even have time to go grocery shopping?"

"It's called ordering it. They even deliver it to your doorstep and everything, all I gotta do is pay for it and open the door," Cassie laughed.

"Ya but you didn't have to do that," Dick gently grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him.

She stood in front of him and placed her hands on his chest, "Well I know none of us have had a good meal in a while so I wanted to cook. Plus I wanted to make sure you had eaten before you headed off to Gotham."

"Thank you for watching them while I go."

"Gray, you know I would have. You do not even have to ask."

Dick fiddled with the heam of Cassie's sweater, "And if he lets us... use the tower again?"

"You know there's a reason why Wayne Enterprises has two major offices for the tech department right?"

"Wait, that's why you're always flying? I thought Bruce had you working on cases or something."

Cassie laughed leaning into him more, "He did. I just am also the head of his tech department so I could have meetings in San Fransico, Gotham, or Metropolis. I just get to choose which one I want to spend most of my time at, you know being the boss and all."

"So us moving all the way across the country won't be a problem?"

"No, it won't be. I'll probably have to leave you guys on your own devices occasionally to fly back but I wouldn't be gone long. And plus my San team hasn't seen too much of me since the launch so it's probably good that I'm spending a bit more time with them."

"But your apartment, I don't want you to just drop everything because I asked."

"I'm not. They need me too," she nods to the teenagers, "Having just you as a guardian kinda worries me a bit." Dick gently tickled her, "Plus that's originally where Bruce wanted me to go so he's finally getting his way."

"Wait, he wanted you in San Fransico? But I thought you said Metropolis?"

"He wanted me as far from Gotham as he could get, San was asking too much, for me at the time. But now it's not."

Dick nodded, he really wanted to know the full story, he could tell there was something she wasn't telling him.

Dick pulls up to the manor and sighs, "Hmm."

Bruce stands right outside the entrance and smiles at him. Dick gets out of the car and the two go inside to talk.

"I hadn't heard from you in a while. When Alred mentioned you wished to stop by, I'll admit, I was surprised."

"It's not like you, Bruce, to be surprised."

"True. I try not to make it a habit. I see you made the news with your old Titans friends. And some new ones, too. I assume Cassie was with you. You've been very busy."

"She was and I have."

"But that's not the reason you've come to see me."

"No. I never got the chance to talk to you about why I left." Dick sighs, "It wasn't exactly on great terms."

"In my experience, when people part, it rarely is."

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