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Dawn leans against the car, "I gotta give it to you, Rach, you really know how to throw a party."

"Yeah. Do it again. Love beating Dick's ass," Jason grins.

Dick chuckles, "Keep dreaming, bird boy." He gently punches Jason on the shoulder.

"Nice one. Really inventive."

"I'll be here all week."

Donna looks at Rachel, "Maybe give us a heads-up next time so I can do my own eye makeup. Your demon dad wasn't much for subtlety."

"Really? I kinda liked it. It was really gothic, you know," Kory remarks.

Gar holds his hand up, "Uh... I didn't."

"Hey, man, again... we're really sorry," Hank moves closer to Dawn.

"No, it's cool. Hey, I know it wasn't really you guys. I couldn't have been." Gar stands up, "Dick was actually kinda funny, in a weird, psycho way."

Dick walks out from in front of the car, "You do realize I'm listening."

"You guys have fun," Rachel and Dawn hug.

Hank asks, glancing at Cassie who had a small grin, "Where are you goin'?"

"Um... " Rachel turns to Dick and shouts, "Where are we going?"

"Uh... I don't know. It's a mystery."

Rachel rolls her eyes and turns back to Dawn, "It's a mystery. Annoying."

"Some things never change."

"Well I know one stop we have to make at least," Cassie said with a small smile. "I have plants to water."

This made the others laugh.

Donna pulls Cassie a little off to the side while a few of the others talk, "Cassie. Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Little weak, but nothing a good nap won't fix."

"Um, what was your dream thing? And how did you fight it? I didn't even question it I just-"

"Donna," the slightly younger girl grabbed her sister's shoulders, "Realizing fake realities has become a talent of mine, unfortunately, and besides that reality seemed too good to be true."

"Mine-mine was of the fire. I-I tried to save him. My dad...but-"

"Donna, it wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could have done. You are one of the strongest people I know. Do not beat yourself up about what that thing made you see."

Donna laughs, "And you call me strong. I don't know how you do it."

"Trust me, you don't want to."

Donna gives her a questioning glance, but stops as Dick calls out, "No, get in the car."

"Shotgun!" Gar takes off to the front.

Jason jumps in the back, "Hey, seriously?"

"Bye guys. I'll miss you," Kory walks away from the car,

Gar stands up, "Bye, Kory."

"Miss you more," Rachel says.

"Send me a postcard from your planet."

"Will do," Kory laughs.

Dick goes over to Donna and Cassie, "You sure it's cool if we take your ride?" Cassie walks to Dick's side and he throws an arm around her.

"Never use it in the city, anyway. You guys need it more than I do." Donna tosses the keys to him.

Dick looks to the others, "Well, guys, take care."

"Hey, I mean this in the best way possible. It's really been fun, but let's not meet like this again for a while, huh?" Dawn gives him a sincere look.

Hank nods, "Hear, hear."

Dick chuckles, "It's a deal." He stops seeing the door open, "You're kidding." Dick shuts the back door to the Jeep while Cassie gives final hugs to Donna, Hank, Dawn, and Kory.

Hank laughs, "He's an asshole, he did that on purpose."

The others laugh too, and Cassie jumps into the car, the teenagers wisely realized who would actually be getting it.

"Good luck," Donna says.

Dick starts the car and they drive off.

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