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Talia folds her hands behind her back.

Ra's lets out a breath, "Double the patrol around the Lazarus Pit remains."

She gave a small bow of her head.

"The Court of Owls must die."

Talia nodded, "Death's Shadow is working on it. We must have patience for her to work."

"She needs to work faster if she is to stay an ally of the League."

Talia titled her head, "Making an enemy of that one would not be wise. You said so yourself."

Ra's glared at his daughter, "The Demon's Head bows to no one. She will work faster or she dies."

Barbara crosses her arms, "Clearly whatever you did worked. The Leagues backed off significantly. We can breathe for a moment."

Dick sighed, "Almost." He handed her a tablet, "These warehouses need to be avoided."

Barbara started looking at the map, "What is this?"

"Cass ran a search for a certain chemical we are looking for. We're doing patrols tonight to investigate," he uncrossed his arms.

Barbara looked up at him, "And what are you investigating? All of these buildings have been abandoned for years or are owned by high members of Gotham."

"We think it's the reason why the League is in Gotham." Dick said, "Cass got a deal with Talia. Think you can help us keep these blocked off?"

"Yeah, we can do that."

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