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Dick says as they get out of the car, "This place is called Corvo. It's some kind of speakeasy. Landlord said he bounces the late shift."

"That's too bad. Bouncers are assholes," Jason remarked.

"Clay's not. And how would you know anyway?"

"Uncle Ray would take me to bars with him all the time when I was little. Everyone thought it was cute, til it wasn't. He was a fun drunk. Then he'd get stupid, then he'd start throwing punches... Then the bouncers would kick our asses out."

Cassie glanced at Jason, not sure what to say.

"Where were your folks?"

"Mom was upstate. Dad was downstate. Uncle Ray was the man until he OD'd when I was 13."

"Where'd you go?"

"Wherever. Foster care. In and out of the system, the streets mostly after that." Jason chuckles, "It's not all bad. I survived. Now look, man, we're living the dream."

They get to the bar, and Dick knocks on the door.

He flashes his badge, "Clay Williams workin' tonight?"

"VIP lounge," the bouncer nods.


The guy opens the door and lets Dick and Cassie in but not Jason. Jason hands the guy a fake id, "There a problem?"

"'Robert Plissken'? Nice try."

"Come on, man, be cool."

"Not tonight, snake."

"I'm 19."

"Okay, well, stay here. We'll be right back," Dick tells him.

The bouncer shuts the door.

They walk around the club until they find Clay.

"Excuse me," Dick says to Clay, not knowing if he would recognize him or not. 


"So, uh, how does someone get into the VIP lounge?"

"Give me the password."

Dick looks at Cassie and then to Clay, "Haly's Circus."

Clay looks him up and down, "Dicky? Dicky! Oh, Lord, I can't believe it's you!" Clay picks him up and hugs him, "Is this you?"

"Yeah, it's me. I can't breathe."

"Oh, damn."

"Oh, man." Dick chuckles.

"And is this Mini Izzy? Man, you look even more like your mother now that you've grown!" Clay pulls her into a tight hug as well.

"It's good to see you, Clay," she laughed.

"Oh! What in God's name are you doin' here?"

Dick looked at him, "Can we talk?"

Clay looks between the two in front of him, "Murdered?"

Dick nods, "And I'm worried you're next on the list. You've seen anything weird at home? Any people following you?"

"Not that I've noticed."

"You still in touch with anyone from the circus? Since it shut down?"

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