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Donna spins and kicks a Leauge member, they stumble back and fall off the roof.

An arrow flies over Donna's shoulder taking down an assassin. Roy knocks another arrow and aims for another.

Kory grunts and blasts four members at the same time with her blue light. They collapse to the ground. She takes a deep breath and puts her hands on her hips.

"Large surge about 50 feet south of you," Barbara says over the comms.

Kory groans and the three of them take off towards the location Barbara gave them.

Tim spins his bo staff and it clashes with the assassin's sword. He swings his foot, dropping to the ground. His staff smacks into the assassin's arm making them drop their sword.

Gunshots go off as Jason shoots his gun over and over trying to get a handle on the surge of assassins going after WayneTech.

Tim scrambles and gets up standing next to Jason as more assassins appear, surrounding them.

"Damn ninjas," Tim swears.

Jason chuckles and aims. Tim holds his bo staff at the ready. Thirty Leauge members circle them.

A glowing rope flies over them, it wraps around two members and yanks them into the air. Three arrows fly past and take down one of the larger assassins. A stream of blue light illuminates the space and hits a row of members.

Tim grins and looks at Jason. His facial expressions are hidden by his mask, so instead he starts shooting.

Donna, Roy, and Kory drop into space, each one immediately going after Leauge members. Tim shakes off his excitement when three sword-wielding assassins run towards him. He spins his staff and locks it against a sword.

It takes the five of them no time at all to take out the Leauge.

Tim whispers to Jason, "I didn't think Batman would call them too."

"He didn't," Jason shook his head. "That's Arsenal, he's ARGUS. Bruce doesn't really work with ARGUS that often. But Cassie does."

Tim nodded, "So you think she called them?"

"Let's find out." Jason and Tim walked over to the others. 

Donna gave them a grin as she finished gathering her lasso up, "Robin. Red Hood."

"Nice suit," Tim chuckled.

Donna clipped her lasso onto her belt, "Thanks kid."

"Why are you here?" Jason asked.

Kory rolled her eyes, "Nice to see you too."

"It's good to see you Starfire," Tim cut Jason's retort off. "Batman didn't tell us to expect you is all he means."

Roy chuckled, "Ah so the new Robin is the peacemaker." He held out his hand, "Roy Harper, ARGUS."

Tim looked concerned, and quietly asked, "Uh, secret identity?"

Donna and Kory laughed.

Roy nods grinning, "It's just us kid. But good that you have that habit."

"Ah. Well, I'm Tim Drake," Tim shakes Roy's hand. "This is Jason Todd."

"Red Hood, I'm familiar," Roy gives him a once over. "I hear you've switched sides again."

Jason crosses his arms.

Kory cut in, "Okay okay. We've done enough fighting for one night. Just don't you two."

"Kory's right," Donna stepped towards them. "What intel have you two gotten?"

"First tell us why you are here," Jason says.

Roy rolls his eyes, "Obviously the League has increased their presence, as you both know. We're running point on trying to figure out why. Vee, who was in Gotham previously, had to leave for a more pressing matter. We're working with GCPD to figure out why they are here."

"Oh," Tim said.

Kory asked, "Oh? Why else did you think we'd be in this damned city?"

"Well we thought maybe Cassie called you," Tim answered. Jason turned his head and looked at him. "Okay sorry I thought she called you."

"Cassie? Why would Cassie call us?" Donna asked.

Jason said, "Batman asked her and Dick to come help watch over Gotham."

Roy smirked and crossed his arms.

Both Donna and Kory made noises of anger. 

"I'm going to kill him," Kory took a deep breath.

Tim held his hand out, "She's done a lot of healing. Dick wouldn't have said yes if he didn't think she'd be okay."

"Cassie has never let anyone tell her what to do. If she wants to do something she's going to do it. Dick's opinion wouldn't do shit," Roy cut in.

Jason looked at him, "He's right. If Cassie knew we were in trouble she'd be here even if she wasn't okay."

"Last time I talked to both of them Dick said her nightmares weren't getting any better," Donna sighed. "She went through seventy knifes just last month."

Kory added, "Being back here could make them worse."

"What does Dick know how she sleeps?" Roy asked, "Doesn't she live in Metropolis, alone?"

Donna rolled her eyes, "So you are just choosing to forget when I told you that the two of them were finally together and living in San Francisco?"

"I thought you were joking," Roy scoffed. "So my chances are like totally out of the window?"

Kory barked out a laughed, "She'd never give you the time of day."

"Never has, never will," Donna smirked as the group started leaving.

Roy grumbled a bit but followed.

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